Wednesday, December 31, 2003

This is how I'm doing 2003 this year:

From here...
Can we say... satisfactorily resolved?

* The dawn after giving up Tequilla should be the time you might as well swear off Vodka
* Drunken highs are not worth the morning-after hangover
* Dunkin' Donuts serves the best coffee
* I hate how America is a whole plane ride away
* Family Reunions are the best
* Ligaments never heal - so don't mess them up
* Skiing for a day means hours and ho urs of memories
* Clubbing is the same the first, second, third and umpteenth time
* Pictures = Memories
* Still not sure how catching Sadam helped decrease terrorism
* If you try once and fail, trying again means just being prepared and trying for the first time
* ALIAS is the best TV show
* George Bush reminds me of Arvin Sloane
* Watching Australian Idol really entertained me
* Independence shows you your inner strength
* Faith keeps my eyes open
* Prayer is real power
* I have friends that never let me down
* I have friends that make me cry
* I have friends that make me smile
* Anger is not pretty
* I live an impulsive life
* PMS is real
* Lies that make me smile are okay
* Gymming is effective only with a positivity
* The Krispy Kreme atmosphere is better than the donuts
* eBay is addictive
* The year of 21sts mean LOTS of parties
* I am still human... I still make mistakes... weren't so bad this year!
* Resigning from work generates the same amount of anxiety as breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend
* Hexic is the only fun computer game
* Christmas is the only day that's happy EVERY YEAR

Under construction...

Checkin out of 2003! It was fun! Seeya in Twenty-Oh-Four!

Monday, December 29, 2003




Ever had something to say but can't because it'd make things weird? So there... that's how I'm expressing myself tonight. Thanks.

Thursday, December 25, 2003

First and Foremost:


Just wishing you all a safe and blessed Christmas this year! REMEMBER THE REASON FOR THE SEASON YA'LL! He came to be our salvation. God gave Him to us for that one purpose. Let's all celebrate our Lord Jesus' presence in our lives and in our hearts. Happy Birthday Jesus!

Now Playing: If I Ain't Got you - Alicia Keys

Love, Nellaye.

Monday, December 22, 2003

I have RAM ya'll!

I'm so happy. I exchanged the old, old RAM that I bought last week for some old RAM that now works on my computer and has made me very very happy :)

Here's a quick SEQUENCE of EVENTS:

1. Got home and pulled the case off my computer again
2. Pulled out current RAM and put in new RAM to see if the computer will boot up with new RAM
3. Computer boots up successfully, shut down computer
4. Return current RAM to original slot and put new RAM in new slot
5. Put case back onto computer and plug all peripherals back in
6. Boot up computer and find out I have no Hard Drive
8. Rip case off computer and stare at the intricate detail of a computer's insides *confused*
9. Re-plug a plug that seemed to have come out
10. Boot up computer, with everything back to normal :)

If you're completely confused about what I'm talking about, don't worry - it's nerd talk.
If you're smiling because you're happy that my computer is $170 faster - thank you, I'm happy too :)
If you're rolling your eyes at the screen thinking "This girl's a loser" - shut up, you're jealous and you know it ;P hehe

That's all for now. Bye!

Monday, December 15, 2003

My birthday in 5 pictures (don't feel bad if you're not in any of them... there are tonnes more going up real soon!)...

Lots of food!

A touching speech... and Veed being impatient as usual :)

Mel and I singing, Mindy getting bored of us singing, Jess wishing she was singing, and an unintentional almost-flash

Some outdoor action

Awesome voices and NelNixTin....... again!

There's stacks more... I'm just drip feeding them to you.

MORE LOVE: Thanks lots to my camera girls- Kris+Kate, the various video camera crew, and Veed - my impromptu emcee


Sunday, December 14, 2003

10 days later...

Warning: This is a long post. Click here to see it in a larger window

Work's been amazing! Not only am I learning more than I ever expected to learn - but the people I'm working with are so awesome! Two noteable events:
#1 - Drinks with the summer kiddies on Wednesday arvo. Suddenly, about twenny-sumthin TAAAALL IBG interns were part of the group. So, I got to catch up with the kids I made friends with on the first induction AND meet a whole lot more! After we got kicked out of Macciato, we proceeded for some more alky across the road at theVAULT.

#2 - Knocked off work early on Thursday to have a Christmas afternoon with the team. Went to Dee Why Beach for a swim with the up-for-its then had drinks and dinner along the strip. It was so awesome. I find it so amazing that I managed to get along with a bunch of people are at least ten years older than me - all married or the sort! I even got a Christmas present from the boss. Can't help but feel loved - it was really awesome. Got to Cabcharge it home too - WOOHOO!

Had a lo---hooooot of late nights putting my thank you cards together for my birthday party. Even though they didn't come out as good as I wanted, the effect was there :)

Then............... I turned 21
@ Midnight: I was located in my parent's bathroom, doing what you normally do in a bathroom. I went out to have some tea because - I felt like it. Veed came out into the kitchen and found me sitting on the floor so she wished me her Happy Birthday then. Before I slept, I got my first birthday SMS from the ix-Nay.

theDay: I got my periodic SMS's, the calls... the love. Met up with Cruz for a bit at lunch. I met Baz, Therese, Mel, Veed and Lionel @ Veda for lunch. Ate and spent the rest of the afternoon trying to stay awake.

theArvo: Met up with Liv, Minh and Mel after work. Saw the SmartSalary crew at RETRO for a bit then went in and out of a few bars before deciding to head out local.

theEvening: After getting rejected from Savana's, we had a cheap dinner at Pho. It was a beautiful night - thanks for being there girls!

theNight: We went back to mine, where my cousins and my sister were putting together my giveaways - thanks so much for that. Kristela was being a perfectionist, as usual, but they wouldn't have turned out so pretty w/out her touch :) Talked into the night until I turned 21+1day.

Saturday was hectic as I'd imagined. Lots of errands, lots of helium, not a lot of rest - but I bought Nix her birthday present finally! WOOHOO!

The party itself was awesome! I was so happy being surrounded with everyone that was there. Kudos to Mel, Nix, Alisa, Veed and the KKK for the speeches. Extra love to Kris for making me cry with her beautiful voice.

TIMEOUT: I meant to say it during my speech last night but... THANKS MILLIONS to my "two hands". While life's so hectic and I don't have time to sit down and take it all in, I've got the most willing girls to help me run the errands I couldn't and put up with my bossiness. Luv yas Neex&Veed

There are so many things I'm thankful for from last night. I can't say them all coz this blog is long enough - but all you guys know how much I appreciated you being there to celebrate my 21st birthday. There's too many of you to mention but:


... from the very bottom of my heart. You guys know you rock my world in so many different ways ;) Just wait for my end-of-years aiiiite?

Pics up soon. LAAAAHV YA! <3 Nel

Thursday, December 04, 2003

Party Planning is difficult. I wish I just had a surprise party... actually... =D (Hi Veed!)

theWEATHERchannel reckons it's gonna rain on my party day *boo* so I think I have to get a marquee... maybe. My dad (even though he openly opposes me having a party at home at all) reckons we can all squash into my house relatively comfortably. Lucky I'm not super popular... I reckon I'm only REALLY expecting about 40 people for sure... actually, that doesn't include family and the tentative... so maybe up to 60 =
If you reckon you're invited but didn't get an invite, haaaahller at me and I'll send ya the deets: (I recommend you make the subject really unique because... well you'll understand if you saw how much junkmail I got)

* Giveaways - Neex helped me with the idea for these so I'm working on those on the weekend
* Dress - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try to wear a dress if you're a girl!
* Party Hire - Where the bulk of my weekend is going

Oh yeh... and PRESENT IDEAS - are hard. But HONESTLY, your presence will do me just fine :). If you can, hook me up with a CD of songs I can play during the night because I couldn't be bothered doing it myself... mostly old stuff from my high school/primary school years - that'd be cool. Only if you could be bothered...

But seriously, rock up, look beautiful and I will be forever grateful.

Work is fantastic. I've never been so happy shit-kicking. I'm doing some really minor code changes throughout one of the web-based apps - doesn't change any functionality, just refactoring really. I can't expect to be doing anything useful for a while - I hardly know the business yet! But I'm really looking forward to all of that!

You don't understand how happy I was last night. If you were there, you know why... that's all.

Ok, Spamela and Mewissa reckon I'm in love just because I was talking to this guy at lunch today. Is it supposed to be my number 1 goal in life to find someone? Coz it isn't for me. If you've been through what I've been through, and seen what I've seen... you wouldn't have any faith in guys my age. PLUS, I'm loving my freedom. I can't imagine fitting a boyfriend into my life at the moment. They're good as friends... but that's it.

I remember the times when my boyfriend was expected to be everywhere I was - and when he wasn't, I'd get asked a gazillion times "So, where's so-and-so? What's he doing tonight? How is he?". WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? Do people really want to get to know ME? Or do they just care about him AND me. At least now that I'm on my own, I know people are friends with me and aren't just being friends with me because I'm associated with someone else. At least... I'd like to believe that :)


Okay... I get all riled up when I start talking about my freedom. Must be a Sagittarius thing :) But I'll stop now. Promise.

Ok Bye.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

I've had so much excitement in me for the past two days. I wonder whether it'll diminish once I settle in...

On the Induction: Met the other 12 Summer Vacation Students at Thinkspace yesterday morning. I think we were all equally nervous and excited which made things a little more comfortable. I believe we're all in different areas of the bank... with only 3 of us hanging out as part of ISD - in different groups though. We sat through a number of talks on the bank's facilities, HR policies, coy values and the internal intranet. I think it was the first lot of talks I haven't nodded off in. Morning tea was great, Lunch was great - then we had to go to work...

On the Perks: OROTON @ Wholesale prices, free weekend parking, schmancy pen - what more can I say?

On the Execution: We all ended up on Lvl 7 while our supervisors called our division contacts and one-by-one we were taken away into an unknown world. It was pretty scary... but funny at the same time.

On the First Afternoon: I was introduced to all the people who sat around me - had to start memorising names again! I also got taken around to key areas as a mini-tour before I got to work. I was asked to work on setting my computer up with the right dev tools yesterday afternoon. I hit a bit of a dead-end in the process, but it was the end of the day so I just left it for the next day.

On the Second Day: I spent all of today finishing off my machine setup. This included a lot of waiting time because it took a while for the helpdesk to set me up on Unix - so I browsed some other docco lying around... and went through some Java tutes - FUN! I was gonna have lunch with Mew, but the team usually has lunch together on Tuesday (which is one or two team members' treat!) so I decided to stay in and get to know the team a bit better.

On the Christmas Party: WOOHOO! Christmas Party in 2 weeks!

On the Security Passes: I LAAAHHVVEEE IT! I've never had one before - so everytime I use it, I feel like a spy! VERY COOL!

Ok that's it for now... more later... maybe.

Y'know what I realised today? Male cologne can be really ALLURING. There's something about it that can turn someone into WOW-material. It's like a drug or something - stay strong Nel, stay strong!

One more thing...
On Tact: Some people don't have it... but should.

Ok really... that's it. Bye!