Sunday, July 13, 2003

I'm so mad! I had to update my blogBack code and when I went to publish, it re-published ALL my archives!! So all my blogs take the form of this trashy layout. Gives me even more motivation to hurry my ass up to finish my new layout. ARGH!


We went to KKK's house last night to celebrate Kim/Uncle Chito's birthdays. I have to take Kim out after her trials. Any ideas of where to take her??? Anyways, it was just good to have both sides of the family altogether in one place. Good family fun =D

Last night was also theVENUE @ (minc) in the city. It was a good party... so many people came that when Nix, Mush and I went out to get some more $$$ from ANZ, we got stuck in the Guestlist/Re-entry line for over 15-something minutes! Apparently, the club was "too full". Funny how when we got let in, we all ended up downstairs. I drove Mush home for the first time through her scary neighbourhood =\. Lucky Jem, Nix and Mel were there to keep me company!

Jonathan snuck his head under my blanket this morning saying "Ate Nelisa, wake up now!" Probably the first time since they got here when I wanted him to go away hehe. I finally got up coz I needed to go to church - plus I had to pee.

After church, I got dropped off at home shortly before Mel came to pick me up to go to Bicentennial Park for Jos' birthday BBQ. We got Minh and met the boys at the park where:
* We ate heck yum food - good sausages, good salad, awesome cake,
* We played with the Vortex. It was sooo obvious us girls were power deprived because we couldn't throw the Vortex further than 10 metres!, aaaand
* I sprained my thumb after FINALLY attempting to catch a very fast Vortex coming at my face. It's so disgusting! I've got this humoungus bump on my right hand. It's so bad considering I'm right-handed and work consists of typing all day (I'm currently typing with my whole left hand and my index finger on my right hand). I'm so immobile!

Anyways, I'm sleepy and that bed looks quite appealing to sleep in. Ta-Ta!

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