Thursday, August 07, 2003

* Saw the girls for a briefy Saturday evening
* Aaron's 21st @ his house Saturday night
* JAS' 21st @ his house later that Saturday night
* Put 150 pictures - $90 worth - of digital pictures into KODAK for development. I was supposed to get them back this arvo, but I left work too late :(

21 Questions
1. Do you believe in being in a relationship "for now"? With that in mind, do you believe in not being with a particular person "right now"?
Y'see... I really believe that girls want to settle down way quicker than boys do, so I easily believe in the second question. I reckon that there's no great need to attach yourself to one person. There are a lot of people in the world, and who's to say that a person that I choose right now will be the one and only person for me? There may be, however, those one or two people that I'd like to be with - but not now. I reckon lots of people my age are still figuring themselves out, including a mad lot of boys! I've been single for a while now, and I've learnt so much about myself and my limits and I've gained an independence you can't really get in a dependent relationship. This means making up my own mind about things. I love it! I figure, if there are guys out there that are doing that... why stop them? As time goes along its merry way, people are gonna want something for keeps and I reckon that's when the quality of relationships will up.

With that in mind, at this stage in my life, I don't believe in "for now" relationships. They're just not for me. Ask me 4 years ago, and I may have had a different opinion. I just reckon there are too many emotions and energy involved in a "for now" relationship.

None of the above is to say that a) No-one can find the right person at a younger age; people do mature at different stages in their lives, and b) "For now" relationships can't blossom into "For much longer than now" relationships... just in case you've misread me.

2. If you knew someone was keeping something very secret, and it's possible they're keeping it for a valid reason, do you force it out of them?
I'm just asking because I know I wouldn't seriously continue to push it out after feeling resistance. Thing is, I know some people think I'll budge when I have my secrets, and I find myself in a compromising position - HM.

That's my insight for today :) Bye!

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