RANDOMNESS - i.e. totally unrelated babble
I "lost" my cardholder the other night. After having a panic attack and stopping my key card, Vid said she had it the whole time (but forgot when I was looking frantically for it in the morning) *exhale* Anyways, I went to St. George to change security numbers and my PIN on my new card and the woman was being a bit confused and couldn't type my card number into the phone so I didn't put the right security number on. When I tried to log onto phone banking, I didn't know which security number/password combination to use so I rang the help line thing. I was on hold forever - keying in combinations at the same time. OF COURSE, when I finally got in, someone picked my call up on the other line so I didn't really need help after all. Geez.
Ever thought about the reasons people break up with other people? Vida and I were talking about it this morning. When you're really young and inexperienced (not going to put a number on it ever since Ezra gave me bubbles about calling her 'young'), some underlying break up reasons would be:
* That you never liked the person to begin with and just got with them because you wanted a bf/gf
* That you were so flattered when the person asked you out that you didn't bother thinking about whether you really wanted to... you just didn't want to say 'no'
* That you just met the person after getting onto them at some dance, thought they were 'the one' then decided... err... they weren't
* Physical intimacy has died down - it MUST mean they don't care - it MUST mean it's over
* Boredom
* Not getting along
* Someone better came along
There's got to me some more right? They're the only ones I came up with just then. Anyways... as you get older, that list of possible break up reasons shrinks down to:
* Found someone better or saw some desired qualities in someone that your bf/gf doesn't have
* Life paths are diverging
* ... maybe more - but I can't think of any
I think maybe because you become more picky about who you go out with when you're older - I reckon. Friendship before relationship is essential, I reckon. So any reasons related to clashing personalities are eliminated. Just leaves the above two. I think that's interesting. Feel free to argue. I was on 3 hours sleep @ 7am when I came up with those. Atm, it's 10am and I'm still on 3 hours sleep.
Can a guy and a girl really be close/best friends without any current/historical emotional crap?
You know what's funny? How I think every black CRVSport with a white plate number is Nix's. How I think every white Skyline is Lily's. How I think every red SirionGTVI with a yellow plate number and SnapOn seat covers is Dave's. Not so much the last two... but everytime I see that black CRVSport with a white plate number, I speed up to catch up to it just in case it's Nix's. I did it today. HAHA. That's all.
I'm still on 3 hours sleep. How about I sleep some more? Sounds good. Bye!
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