Saturday, October 25, 2003

Hola Amigos!

Spanish is good. I'm loving it. I just need to do something before next Wednesday as a serious attempt to immerse myself in the language that is Spanish!

What is NOT good is what the weather's doing right now (only boring people talk about weather... I've decided to be boring this morning =]). Weather or seasons actually. I wake up every morning at ten-to-six because the light's shining through my window so strong I HAVE to get up. Last night, before I went to sleep, I closed my curtains to attempt to get a longer sleep this morning... didn't really get that much of a benefit. I was up at half nine. Damn. Can't wait till DST kicks in tomorrow! Even though I need that extra hour to study for my IA exam =\.

So, I've managed to stay away from Blogger for a week. Damn.

* Tommy's 21st Birthday was last Friday night. I didn't blog about it. But it was aiiight considering I don't like strippers and we got kicked out after 10 min! That was okay... we ended up chillin it at Darling Harbour afterwards.

* Mel's 21st Birthday Celebrations started Sundee with a mid-afternoon lunch at her house. It was quite nice. I think we spent half the time trying to get the Magic Mic to work... and in the end, we hardly even used it. The boys amused themselves with the footy over the fence, just before getting into a little handball match a little before I left. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEW!

* Monday, work then gym. Tuesday, work then uni. Wednesday, work then Spanish.

* Congrats to Uh-Lee-Suh on her new job! So excited for her! Hope it all turns out lovely for ya!

* Went for drinks with the IT team plus a few IT'ers that left SS a while back. Is it bad to feel so comfortable in the presence of boys? I think I find it less intimidating when I'm amongst a group of guys I don't really know... rather than being amongst a group of girls I don't really know. Is that weird? Oh well. We spent 2 and a half at the Slip Inn before heading to Tony Roma's for dinner. I had to check out earliest because I was the baby and needed the parentals to come out from home to pick me up! I felt all sixteen again!

* Didn't get a great deal of sleep Thursdee night. Which made Friday a little restless and unproductive at work. When I got home I SO did not want to go out. Had to though...

* Headed into the city with Nix and Veed for Mew's joint party at (minc). T'was a good night. Went kinda quick but I had fun and I hope Mew did too despite her lack of presence for a lot of the night ;). Oh quote of the night:
HANA: When did you get braces?

* Woke up early again this morning (as I said early)... and put up some CLIX. Enjoy homes. Let me know if you want more. I got stax!

... to my #1 blog fan. Wuttup JASbaby! Thanks for coming to my page FIRST before anyone else's. Doesn't matter if you were lying. I'll just pretend you were telling the truth =D!


Oh yeh. I'm really disappointed in someone right now. I may not be the most nurturing of all friends, but I at least have the decency to acknowledge their presence. It's really amazing what some people do for their girlfriends. All I have to say is: whOO-PSH!

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