Lauren or Sydney?
What really annoys me about Lauren is her accent. The fact that she's got some British thing going but she's trying to sound almost American and she's still got twangs of Aussie in her. Mate. Can she please get killed off the show by a fire or something?
Anyway... since my life revolves around my thoughts my two favourite TV shows - and you've heard more than enough of my thoughts and my favourite Ch7 TV show, listen to my ponderings triggered by my other favourite TV show:
#1 - So Joey and Rachel. That was an interesting story. But something stuck in my mind - the way they couldn't really stay together because they were so close that they felt like brother and sister. Then they questioned how Chandler and Monica got together and Monica said something about how the two of them weren't close enough to feel the awkwardness that Joey and Rachel felt.
From that, I got that maybe the ideal situation of becoming best friends with someone then falling in love with them, like that, isn't really possible? Like reckon it could happen without all that awkwardness? I'm now thinking I've got this thing where I want to be good friends with someone that I'll get with, but now I don't want to get close enough that it'll feel sibling-ish.
So what should it be then? Friends first? Attraction first, then work the relationship later? And if you choose the Friends first option? How close do you get? Hm.
#2 - Mike proposed to Phoebe on Monday. Made me want that. That's all
#3 - Just something that got me thinking tonight from 'My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance'. Randi's mum went to talk to her brothers and her sister because the three of them didn't want to be a part of the wedding. She said something along the lines of:
"Do not turn your back on someone just because they disappoint you"
Before that, she said that she'd never stop supporting any of them if they disappointed her.
Made me think about the way I react when people in my life 'disappoint' me in one way or another. It's so difficult to deal with someone close to you doing something that doesn't, in any way, shape or form, sit well with you. What do you do? Are you supposed to just take it and support them? How far do you go to change their mind? How far do you go to knock some sense into them? What if 'knocking sense into them' really offends them and the friendship suffers? It's a bit of a tricky one. Any thoughts?
Ok, yes, I'm a TV junkie. Cheers dears!
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