Wednesday, June 18, 2003

How's this for love?
Today, I got Veed a job at work! They don't even need her to come in for an interview or anything! They're happy for her to start ASAP - so she's starting tomorrow. I hope she yields much from the experience =D

In other news...
* I'm returning to the gym. I figured that with the snows coming up and all, I need to get fit! I went in on Monday morning - bright and early @ 7am - and the soreness still in my legs right now tells me that I have A LOT of work to do. I'm probably gonna head back out once the Veed gets home from Jessica's.

* Monday saw my first and only exam this semester. I was quite happy with the way I did. There wasn't anything in there that I wish I learnt more about which was good. In accounting, if it balances - I'm happy (or I'm wrong with a tiny error). When beginning cash + total cash inflow (outflow) = end cash - I'm happy.

* I really believe exercise makes you happy. State in the following transitive and evident in my moods lately.
"Exercise makes endorphins. Endorphins make you happy." -- LEGALLY BLONDE


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