Sunday, June 22, 2003

I need a new layout. Suggestions please? COLOUR at least? Ta.

I went to KrispyKreme today after dropping Veed off at work. Yeah, the dOUGHnuts are:
1. Yum
2. Sweet, and
3. Filling (fatty filling)

Worth the hype? Yeah... you should go while it's still new - feel the ambience. But to me, they're still only donuts. Just sweeter. My favourite was the original glaze's. Plain but the most satisfying =)

I dropped by the cousins' house to give them some donuts (coz we bought 3 boxes and had 2 and a half left!). I hung out there for a bit then I went home where I realised a friend of mine decided to arrive without notice. It gave me quite a shock actually coz I wasn't expecting them so soon but......... whatever.

Meanwhile, it's only a couple more weeks till the MillCreek'ers from the USA come down! I'm very excited coz I can't wait to see the kiddies again! They're so cute!

Yeah, that's all. Help me out on the layout thing okay? Peas.

OOH! New layout's coming along. I'm about 1/3 of the way through the LAYOUT. It's late so I couldn't be bothered doing the rest just year.
Tentative release date: Saturday, 28th June 2003

... that's if I can get some content together too! Bye!

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