Wednesday, January 26, 2005


... because I should tell some stories.

The Generous Tip
So during Adore, my cousin's, Veed, Kirk and I stayed in a hotel at Chinatown so that we didn't have to trek it all the way home every night. Also meant that we could wake up that little bit earlier because we were already in the city.

So it was Sunday morning. Kris, Kate and I were waiting at the busstop for a bus. We just missed a whole flood of buses so I didn't think any would be coming soon. I'm impatient y'see and I figured, we just needed a ride down the road so I decided to taxi it up George St. instead. So we hail over a cab and upon getting in he says to me "I do not know my way around, I'm still new". So I'm all "Yeh, that's cool, it's just down the road anyway" - trying to be nice and all.

When we got to the George and King St Maccas, our fare came to $4.75. I handed over a $5 and I hear the driver say "Ok, I'll just get your change". Being the snotty person I am, I go "Oh, forget it, you can keep the change - it's only 25c". He then started offering to help my cousins take their suitcases out of the cab. When the cab drove off, my cousins looked at me and said "Wow Ate, you're so generous. You let him keep the change!" as if the 25c meant the world or something. So I was thinking... "Okay, my cousins are a bit tight" but then after a bit of chatter I realised....... I gave him a $50 note! I was shocked! When I saw the $10 note and the $5 note I should have used in my wallet, my heart sunk. I couldn't believe I gave the guy a $45 tip!

Anyway, I calmed down with a Starbucks Latte and resolved to never catch a cab half awake ever again.

After Adore
I went to Ryde, where a few Melbourne people (plus Gerardo from Brisbane) were staying. We had a late dinner at City Extra at the Quay. Gelatissimo closed before we could get to it so we had dessert there too. Nice night. We were up till the wee hours just talking about whatever in the motel room.

I had barely had 1 and a half hours sleep when I had to wake myself up to take Tito Mario to the airport around 6.30am! Eesh! That was a difficult drive man - even with Cyrille chattering next to me like a good shotgun should.

I've been watching quite a bit of tennis as of late. I used to watch it heaps back when I was younger. Still a good game.

There are a lot of new ones up on my Imagestation.

Glenn graduated the other day! Congrats cuz!

Australia Day
Wasn't too eventful. I was supposed to do something with the Hawai'i girls tonight but then... y'know. So we're planning for Sunday now. It's in my diary now okay! I haven't seen those girls in years!

Mel and I have been reading my old blogs tonight. What's more is that we started looking at ancient pictures as well. So much has changed man. We've all grown up, we've matured (some more than others =])... but sometimes, you wish you had the old times back, don't you?

That's why I don't understand why kids these days wanna grow up so fast. If they only knew how much they'd miss their adolesence once they've past it... if only I knew...

Okay, good night!

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