Saturday, May 08, 2004

When a parent finds half a case of beer in the car that they didn't buy, what do you expect them to say? Well I expected a little "Did you get drunk? Did they boys get drunk? Did they take advantage of you coz you were drunk?" talk - but my dad is different. Good ol' Daddy asked one thing only: Why do your friends drink lite beer?

Since I talked about my dad, I might as well mention that my mother is a pretty bad grocery shopper. I was putting away the groceries just then, and as I was putting away the two-pack paper towel package, I find there are 5 rolls in the kitchen waiting to be used. 1..2..3... Oh mum!

Oh yeh, and with my tedious PMQA assignment in mind, I asked my mum "So mum, do you use PERTs at work?". Wise words from my mum, the project manager: "Oh yeh! But I don't read it, it's too big" Nice to know I'm learning something useful...


I just checked the provisional exam timetable and one of my exams falls on 29 Jun - a day when I'll just settling into NJ, USA. Not to mention that my other exam falls on the 24 Jun - the day before I fly to LA, USA. I can deal with that... I don't know what to do about the other exam! Lucky I'm not so slow that I missed looking at the provisional and was looking at the final *phew* I guess I gotta do some rearranging on Monday. Sorry SEF folk... I'm gonna push to move the exam up a bit :)

That's it.

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