Wednesday, December 31, 2003

This is how I'm doing 2003 this year:

From here...
Can we say... satisfactorily resolved?

* The dawn after giving up Tequilla should be the time you might as well swear off Vodka
* Drunken highs are not worth the morning-after hangover
* Dunkin' Donuts serves the best coffee
* I hate how America is a whole plane ride away
* Family Reunions are the best
* Ligaments never heal - so don't mess them up
* Skiing for a day means hours and ho urs of memories
* Clubbing is the same the first, second, third and umpteenth time
* Pictures = Memories
* Still not sure how catching Sadam helped decrease terrorism
* If you try once and fail, trying again means just being prepared and trying for the first time
* ALIAS is the best TV show
* George Bush reminds me of Arvin Sloane
* Watching Australian Idol really entertained me
* Independence shows you your inner strength
* Faith keeps my eyes open
* Prayer is real power
* I have friends that never let me down
* I have friends that make me cry
* I have friends that make me smile
* Anger is not pretty
* I live an impulsive life
* PMS is real
* Lies that make me smile are okay
* Gymming is effective only with a positivity
* The Krispy Kreme atmosphere is better than the donuts
* eBay is addictive
* The year of 21sts mean LOTS of parties
* I am still human... I still make mistakes... weren't so bad this year!
* Resigning from work generates the same amount of anxiety as breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend
* Hexic is the only fun computer game
* Christmas is the only day that's happy EVERY YEAR

Under construction...

Checkin out of 2003! It was fun! Seeya in Twenty-Oh-Four!

Monday, December 29, 2003




Ever had something to say but can't because it'd make things weird? So there... that's how I'm expressing myself tonight. Thanks.

Thursday, December 25, 2003

First and Foremost:


Just wishing you all a safe and blessed Christmas this year! REMEMBER THE REASON FOR THE SEASON YA'LL! He came to be our salvation. God gave Him to us for that one purpose. Let's all celebrate our Lord Jesus' presence in our lives and in our hearts. Happy Birthday Jesus!

Now Playing: If I Ain't Got you - Alicia Keys

Love, Nellaye.

Monday, December 22, 2003

I have RAM ya'll!

I'm so happy. I exchanged the old, old RAM that I bought last week for some old RAM that now works on my computer and has made me very very happy :)

Here's a quick SEQUENCE of EVENTS:

1. Got home and pulled the case off my computer again
2. Pulled out current RAM and put in new RAM to see if the computer will boot up with new RAM
3. Computer boots up successfully, shut down computer
4. Return current RAM to original slot and put new RAM in new slot
5. Put case back onto computer and plug all peripherals back in
6. Boot up computer and find out I have no Hard Drive
8. Rip case off computer and stare at the intricate detail of a computer's insides *confused*
9. Re-plug a plug that seemed to have come out
10. Boot up computer, with everything back to normal :)

If you're completely confused about what I'm talking about, don't worry - it's nerd talk.
If you're smiling because you're happy that my computer is $170 faster - thank you, I'm happy too :)
If you're rolling your eyes at the screen thinking "This girl's a loser" - shut up, you're jealous and you know it ;P hehe

That's all for now. Bye!

Monday, December 15, 2003

My birthday in 5 pictures (don't feel bad if you're not in any of them... there are tonnes more going up real soon!)...

Lots of food!

A touching speech... and Veed being impatient as usual :)

Mel and I singing, Mindy getting bored of us singing, Jess wishing she was singing, and an unintentional almost-flash

Some outdoor action

Awesome voices and NelNixTin....... again!

There's stacks more... I'm just drip feeding them to you.

MORE LOVE: Thanks lots to my camera girls- Kris+Kate, the various video camera crew, and Veed - my impromptu emcee


Sunday, December 14, 2003

10 days later...

Warning: This is a long post. Click here to see it in a larger window

Work's been amazing! Not only am I learning more than I ever expected to learn - but the people I'm working with are so awesome! Two noteable events:
#1 - Drinks with the summer kiddies on Wednesday arvo. Suddenly, about twenny-sumthin TAAAALL IBG interns were part of the group. So, I got to catch up with the kids I made friends with on the first induction AND meet a whole lot more! After we got kicked out of Macciato, we proceeded for some more alky across the road at theVAULT.

#2 - Knocked off work early on Thursday to have a Christmas afternoon with the team. Went to Dee Why Beach for a swim with the up-for-its then had drinks and dinner along the strip. It was so awesome. I find it so amazing that I managed to get along with a bunch of people are at least ten years older than me - all married or the sort! I even got a Christmas present from the boss. Can't help but feel loved - it was really awesome. Got to Cabcharge it home too - WOOHOO!

Had a lo---hooooot of late nights putting my thank you cards together for my birthday party. Even though they didn't come out as good as I wanted, the effect was there :)

Then............... I turned 21
@ Midnight: I was located in my parent's bathroom, doing what you normally do in a bathroom. I went out to have some tea because - I felt like it. Veed came out into the kitchen and found me sitting on the floor so she wished me her Happy Birthday then. Before I slept, I got my first birthday SMS from the ix-Nay.

theDay: I got my periodic SMS's, the calls... the love. Met up with Cruz for a bit at lunch. I met Baz, Therese, Mel, Veed and Lionel @ Veda for lunch. Ate and spent the rest of the afternoon trying to stay awake.

theArvo: Met up with Liv, Minh and Mel after work. Saw the SmartSalary crew at RETRO for a bit then went in and out of a few bars before deciding to head out local.

theEvening: After getting rejected from Savana's, we had a cheap dinner at Pho. It was a beautiful night - thanks for being there girls!

theNight: We went back to mine, where my cousins and my sister were putting together my giveaways - thanks so much for that. Kristela was being a perfectionist, as usual, but they wouldn't have turned out so pretty w/out her touch :) Talked into the night until I turned 21+1day.

Saturday was hectic as I'd imagined. Lots of errands, lots of helium, not a lot of rest - but I bought Nix her birthday present finally! WOOHOO!

The party itself was awesome! I was so happy being surrounded with everyone that was there. Kudos to Mel, Nix, Alisa, Veed and the KKK for the speeches. Extra love to Kris for making me cry with her beautiful voice.

TIMEOUT: I meant to say it during my speech last night but... THANKS MILLIONS to my "two hands". While life's so hectic and I don't have time to sit down and take it all in, I've got the most willing girls to help me run the errands I couldn't and put up with my bossiness. Luv yas Neex&Veed

There are so many things I'm thankful for from last night. I can't say them all coz this blog is long enough - but all you guys know how much I appreciated you being there to celebrate my 21st birthday. There's too many of you to mention but:


... from the very bottom of my heart. You guys know you rock my world in so many different ways ;) Just wait for my end-of-years aiiiite?

Pics up soon. LAAAAHV YA! <3 Nel

Thursday, December 04, 2003

Party Planning is difficult. I wish I just had a surprise party... actually... =D (Hi Veed!)

theWEATHERchannel reckons it's gonna rain on my party day *boo* so I think I have to get a marquee... maybe. My dad (even though he openly opposes me having a party at home at all) reckons we can all squash into my house relatively comfortably. Lucky I'm not super popular... I reckon I'm only REALLY expecting about 40 people for sure... actually, that doesn't include family and the tentative... so maybe up to 60 =
If you reckon you're invited but didn't get an invite, haaaahller at me and I'll send ya the deets: (I recommend you make the subject really unique because... well you'll understand if you saw how much junkmail I got)

* Giveaways - Neex helped me with the idea for these so I'm working on those on the weekend
* Dress - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try to wear a dress if you're a girl!
* Party Hire - Where the bulk of my weekend is going

Oh yeh... and PRESENT IDEAS - are hard. But HONESTLY, your presence will do me just fine :). If you can, hook me up with a CD of songs I can play during the night because I couldn't be bothered doing it myself... mostly old stuff from my high school/primary school years - that'd be cool. Only if you could be bothered...

But seriously, rock up, look beautiful and I will be forever grateful.

Work is fantastic. I've never been so happy shit-kicking. I'm doing some really minor code changes throughout one of the web-based apps - doesn't change any functionality, just refactoring really. I can't expect to be doing anything useful for a while - I hardly know the business yet! But I'm really looking forward to all of that!

You don't understand how happy I was last night. If you were there, you know why... that's all.

Ok, Spamela and Mewissa reckon I'm in love just because I was talking to this guy at lunch today. Is it supposed to be my number 1 goal in life to find someone? Coz it isn't for me. If you've been through what I've been through, and seen what I've seen... you wouldn't have any faith in guys my age. PLUS, I'm loving my freedom. I can't imagine fitting a boyfriend into my life at the moment. They're good as friends... but that's it.

I remember the times when my boyfriend was expected to be everywhere I was - and when he wasn't, I'd get asked a gazillion times "So, where's so-and-so? What's he doing tonight? How is he?". WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? Do people really want to get to know ME? Or do they just care about him AND me. At least now that I'm on my own, I know people are friends with me and aren't just being friends with me because I'm associated with someone else. At least... I'd like to believe that :)


Okay... I get all riled up when I start talking about my freedom. Must be a Sagittarius thing :) But I'll stop now. Promise.

Ok Bye.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

I've had so much excitement in me for the past two days. I wonder whether it'll diminish once I settle in...

On the Induction: Met the other 12 Summer Vacation Students at Thinkspace yesterday morning. I think we were all equally nervous and excited which made things a little more comfortable. I believe we're all in different areas of the bank... with only 3 of us hanging out as part of ISD - in different groups though. We sat through a number of talks on the bank's facilities, HR policies, coy values and the internal intranet. I think it was the first lot of talks I haven't nodded off in. Morning tea was great, Lunch was great - then we had to go to work...

On the Perks: OROTON @ Wholesale prices, free weekend parking, schmancy pen - what more can I say?

On the Execution: We all ended up on Lvl 7 while our supervisors called our division contacts and one-by-one we were taken away into an unknown world. It was pretty scary... but funny at the same time.

On the First Afternoon: I was introduced to all the people who sat around me - had to start memorising names again! I also got taken around to key areas as a mini-tour before I got to work. I was asked to work on setting my computer up with the right dev tools yesterday afternoon. I hit a bit of a dead-end in the process, but it was the end of the day so I just left it for the next day.

On the Second Day: I spent all of today finishing off my machine setup. This included a lot of waiting time because it took a while for the helpdesk to set me up on Unix - so I browsed some other docco lying around... and went through some Java tutes - FUN! I was gonna have lunch with Mew, but the team usually has lunch together on Tuesday (which is one or two team members' treat!) so I decided to stay in and get to know the team a bit better.

On the Christmas Party: WOOHOO! Christmas Party in 2 weeks!

On the Security Passes: I LAAAHHVVEEE IT! I've never had one before - so everytime I use it, I feel like a spy! VERY COOL!

Ok that's it for now... more later... maybe.

Y'know what I realised today? Male cologne can be really ALLURING. There's something about it that can turn someone into WOW-material. It's like a drug or something - stay strong Nel, stay strong!

One more thing...
On Tact: Some people don't have it... but should.

Ok really... that's it. Bye!

Sunday, November 30, 2003

* twiddling thumbs *





... there's no turning back now...

PS. Today was beautiful :)
PPS. Thanks for listening... I'm going to sleep now.

One more thing... reckon people in relationships have a better knowledge and understanding of the protocols of relationships than people who aren't? If they do, does this knowledge disintegrate once you come out of a relationship? Or maybe it becomes blurred when you've been out of a relationship for - say - over a year?

Because seriously... I sometimes get this feeling that my opinions are deemed invalid coz I've been out of a relationship for a while. It's like... I can't possibly understand because I'm not there.

I guess I don't really care. As long as I'm not going out with a person that's macking around behind my back - I am sweet.

Ahh... so bitter about the male species. Disagree? Come on. You have to at least let me claim the knowledge of the ability of the sleezy/unfaithful/confident male? Thank you.
Jesus, Jesus,
Holy and Anointed One,

Your Name is like honey on my lips,
Your Spirit's like water to my soul,
Your Word is a lamp unto my feet,
Jesus, I love you,
I love you.

Jesus I need you...

Funny how what He has to offer is all that keeps me going when I'm at my lowest.
I can only imagine what it'd be like to love as much as He does.

Thursday, November 27, 2003


1. I am up to Disc 6 of 6 in my ALIAS Season One DVDs - how's that? Season One in one week. Lucky I didn't watch Season One! I woulda been going through withdrawals all week waiting to see WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT?!

2. I finally started learning Java. Just getting into the rhythm... learning stuff I already know, but just drilling it in just for me.

3. I have back dimples! HAR HAR HAR! They're really low in my back so you probably can't see them unless I'm wearing really low-rise jeans. But I'm so proud of them! See, I started to believe I couldn't get them coz it was something that was part of your genetic make-up or not. But I have them! WOOOOW!

4. Gonna go shopping tomorrow! WOO HOO!

5. I like knowing I have one of the Top 20 WAM's in my course!

That's all. My head is spinning... gym took out all my energy. Need to shower. Bye!
I'm still awake because I can be. I had to finish this Industrial Training Report that's due on Friday. I probably don't have enough time to get it done for the rest of the week anyway. I managed to get a V to make sure I didn't procrastinate tonight.

This week is supposed to be my relaxation week. To me, Relaxation = Watching ALIAS Season One DVDs

When I'm not "Relaxing", I've been:
* Looking for RAM unsuccessfully
* Wanting to study Java unsuccessfully (actually, I did some coding tonight - so that's a start right?)
* Working toward the pre-ADORE conference on Saturday
* Doing my Industrial Training deliverables (which are GONE after tonight!)
* Planning little particulars for my party - it's in just over 2 weeks yo! Have not planned anything but the date, time and location. HELP! Nix has done my invites so I might spare some time tomorrow to work on those... once again UNSUCCESSFULLY

Gosh... maybe if I hadn't watched the 10 or so episodes of ALIAS that I have... I'd be on top of some of those things. How dare work give me something so interesting to play with on my week off!

... which reminds me...
* I need to buy KK present for workmate before Christmas Party on Friday =\ OOPS!

ARGH! Not relaxed at all. But I guess the rush is good. I'm wondering what it would've been like if I hadn't taken this week off... hmmm.

Anyways... should I have a marquee at my birthday? I don't really want to because, if it's a sunny afternoon, I don't want to block the sun away y'know? Waddayareckon? Okay... maybe I should wait til after Sunday to plan this crap. What food do you guys wanna eat? Kuf oath how annoying. AAAAAH! Too many questions. No answers.

Why can't time just STOP for a bit? Everything's going too fast for me and I can't keep up with it. BREATHE! It's 3am. I should sleep. Goodnight.

Excuse the rambling. Bye!

Saturday, November 22, 2003

I hate it when video clips make the song look crap. I saw Guy's video clip today for "Angels Brought Me Here" - and I was very disappointed. All I can say is, he's lucky he's got an amazing voice - because that was so not an amazing video.

+PLUS+ Oh yeh! and I'm going to the Australian Idol concert in January! WOOHOO! I managed to withdraw almost $700 out of my bank account yesterday just for it. Can we say OBSESSED?

Anyways, yesterday was my last day at SmartSalary. Gosh. It still feels surreal. It's hard to believe that I won't be waking up at 6am Monday morning and heading off to work as I have been for the past year or so. I'm really gonna miss the people there LOTS - they kept me very sane.

It was really sad yesterday arvo, when I got calls from some of my workmates who were in Perth, saying goodbye and all. We had lunch at RETRO which was really nice. Then we had drinks around 5pm where the Dunk made a speech for me and forced me to make one of my own. I was so close to crying man! Anyways, they all pitched in to get me a farewell present. They got me a TV HITS magazine with the top 6 Aussie Idols on the cover - how embarrassing! I also got the whole first season of ALIAS on DVD, and Vida hooked them up with her staff discount to get me some really nice gold earrings!

Cchan got me a little photo box which I thought was really sweet, and Dunk got me "The Best of Friends vol1&2". I don't think I'll be staying away from the TV for the next week!

I headed to RETRO after work with a few of the boys for drinks. My dad picked me up around 11-something and I had to fall asleep straight away before he realised that I was slightly trashed.

In other news, It was Llewol's birthday on Wednesday. I'm currently minimising what I eat today because I'm really excited about eating the whole buffet at his birthday dinner tonight! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATE! My proxy birthday present for you tonight is my little portable TV just in case they're not broadcasting the Rugby at the restaurant.

Anyone wanna take me out next week? I'm gonna be so bored and free. Hm.

Okay bye!

Monday, November 17, 2003

... that the reason I stopped attaching myself to series' was because anything that happens in it affects me emotionally

Whoever writes the scripts for ALIAS is just plain MEAN.

Good night.

Sunday, November 16, 2003

WARNING! WARNING! Please keep Saturday, December 13 free. The thought of losing more of my friends to weekends away and other people's birthday parties isn't very fun.

I watched HOW TO DEAL last night. I have many issues with that movie. Watch it if you want. Love it if you want. I just didn't like how a lot of things turned out.

Anyways, I don't know what to blog, so I'm just going to write a list.

* I did not play Hexic at 1am last night for an hour
* I did not wake up this morning and play Hexic straight away
* I do not go on Ringo to check if people have written stories about me
* I do not get sad when I find out noone new has
* I do not get sad when noone new wants to make me a direct friend
* I do not like anyone... like that
* I do not wonder whether, if things were different, things would be better
* I do not regret anything
* I do not think a lot
* I do not have a bad memory
* I do not wonder whether love can really be amazing
* I do not trust people easily
* I do not think Supre clothes are worth wearing
* I do not dance around my house in front of mirrors when I'm alone on Saturdays
* I do not LOVE Australian Idol
* I do not mind if Shannon wins
* I do not think my $30 worth of votes for Guy will make a difference
* I do not think that temporary "afro" around my blog reminds me of pubes
* I do not laugh at everything
* I did not write this last point just to make this list 20 points long

How's that for a whole lot of bs?

Sunday, November 09, 2003

Hi. It's been a pretty uneventful weekend - with the exception of my Nix's birthday :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIX! Last night Veed and I went with Nix, Jess and CYrille to Silver Spur for some eats. Since it took them bloody forever to seat us, they gave us some free garlic bread or something - which managed to fill us halfway or something! I couldn't finish my main coz of it I reckon! But it was pretty good. We all made speeches and their staff came over to sing to her and everything! Lots of fun!

We dropped in at Macca's afterward coz he was having some birthday celebrations (so many November babies!) too. Had to check out early though because we had to be home (yes, we DO obey our parents!).

Anyways... can you tell who I go for in AUSTRALIAN IDOL? I'm going to ignore 1/3 of GUY's performances tonight - and the rest of Australia should too if they know what's good for them! Gonna pick up my $30 credit of Voda credit tomorrow to go on a voting frenzy. Does anyone else need some? Gotta vote gotta vote!

Last, but not least, please go to If you're even a smidget interested, trust me, you won't regret it. I promise.

That's all for tonight. The rest of my week was uneventful - either that or I don't remember what happened because I'm such a forgetful *bleep*. Bye!

Sunday, November 02, 2003

"I just want you to be happy"

The last time I heard those words was in the last episode of Ti3, from Stephanie to her boyfriend Anthony. Okay, so it's easy to assume that she only said it to push him toward the girl that seemed to make him happy in the video footage she saw whilst on the island.

I know I over-analyse but...

What do those SEVEN words mean to you? I think they're beautiful. I think that they can become a statement that expresses a pure abandonment of one's emotions and desires for someone else's happiness. It's a hard thing to do. I guess if you look at the big picture, and believe that whatever happens is supposed to happen then it makes it a whole lot easier. That's all.

In other news...
T'was Lilibeth's birthday on Friday, her celebrations were last night. It was a yummy night! I threw a few pics I took last night up so enjoy, if that's your thing *shrugz*

Loving these songs:
Freestyle - So Slow (Yeh Al... it's awesome!)
Rebekah Lavauney - Dance with You


Saturday, November 01, 2003

Good Saturday Morning once again :)

Seems the norm for me now. Live the week, then blog it all on Saturday.

* Not very happy about Paulini leaving AI on Monday. I was REALLY looking forward to a Guy/Paulini sing-off in the finals, but I'm beginning to think that the Aussies want to pull another anti-climax and make Shannon win --> \/\/

* Took a day off work on Tuesday to study for my one-and-only exam this semester. IA was boring - and so was the exam. I hate coming away from the subject - not challenged and just as dumb as I was before the semester started.

* "John Cusack"-but-hotter isn't in my Spanish class anymore :(. He switched to the class he was supposed to be in - and the class I was supposed to be in GRR!!

* I bought the Australian Idol Final 12 Album. Don't tease me. Coz I know you all want it in one form or another :)

* Went "for drinks" with "the girls" last night - well that's what I told all my workmates when they asked me what I was doing this weekend. Here:

1. "for drinks" = Cheap dinner at Veda Bar with Minh and I being the only ones downing anything alcoholic; Talking till about 9pm when we headed down to George St. cinemas to watch KILL BILL.
2. "the girls" = Some girls + some boyfriends + Phil

KILL BILL was pretty interesting man. I'm still trying to get my head around it... and I spent 60% of the time watching the movie from behind my hand, but I'm anticipating Vol2! We needed to head home after that, so I got dropped off at Minh's where I saw her "free peeing" puppy (HOW CUTE WAS HE?). Mama picked me up shortly after.

* Got moved from the IT/Accounts/Marketing side of SmartSalary to the Operations side. A little meloncholy because it seems like Stage One of my "leaving" process. Damn.

* Decided that I need to get these 21st plans happening already. Keywords so far: dresses, marquee, bbq. Haven't got anything solid yet. I need some input-age! So be prepared girls, because I'm asking you guys FIRST!

Okay... that's all. TekketEezy. Bye!

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Hola Amigos!

Spanish is good. I'm loving it. I just need to do something before next Wednesday as a serious attempt to immerse myself in the language that is Spanish!

What is NOT good is what the weather's doing right now (only boring people talk about weather... I've decided to be boring this morning =]). Weather or seasons actually. I wake up every morning at ten-to-six because the light's shining through my window so strong I HAVE to get up. Last night, before I went to sleep, I closed my curtains to attempt to get a longer sleep this morning... didn't really get that much of a benefit. I was up at half nine. Damn. Can't wait till DST kicks in tomorrow! Even though I need that extra hour to study for my IA exam =\.

So, I've managed to stay away from Blogger for a week. Damn.

* Tommy's 21st Birthday was last Friday night. I didn't blog about it. But it was aiiight considering I don't like strippers and we got kicked out after 10 min! That was okay... we ended up chillin it at Darling Harbour afterwards.

* Mel's 21st Birthday Celebrations started Sundee with a mid-afternoon lunch at her house. It was quite nice. I think we spent half the time trying to get the Magic Mic to work... and in the end, we hardly even used it. The boys amused themselves with the footy over the fence, just before getting into a little handball match a little before I left. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEW!

* Monday, work then gym. Tuesday, work then uni. Wednesday, work then Spanish.

* Congrats to Uh-Lee-Suh on her new job! So excited for her! Hope it all turns out lovely for ya!

* Went for drinks with the IT team plus a few IT'ers that left SS a while back. Is it bad to feel so comfortable in the presence of boys? I think I find it less intimidating when I'm amongst a group of guys I don't really know... rather than being amongst a group of girls I don't really know. Is that weird? Oh well. We spent 2 and a half at the Slip Inn before heading to Tony Roma's for dinner. I had to check out earliest because I was the baby and needed the parentals to come out from home to pick me up! I felt all sixteen again!

* Didn't get a great deal of sleep Thursdee night. Which made Friday a little restless and unproductive at work. When I got home I SO did not want to go out. Had to though...

* Headed into the city with Nix and Veed for Mew's joint party at (minc). T'was a good night. Went kinda quick but I had fun and I hope Mew did too despite her lack of presence for a lot of the night ;). Oh quote of the night:
HANA: When did you get braces?

* Woke up early again this morning (as I said early)... and put up some CLIX. Enjoy homes. Let me know if you want more. I got stax!

... to my #1 blog fan. Wuttup JASbaby! Thanks for coming to my page FIRST before anyone else's. Doesn't matter if you were lying. I'll just pretend you were telling the truth =D!


Oh yeh. I'm really disappointed in someone right now. I may not be the most nurturing of all friends, but I at least have the decency to acknowledge their presence. It's really amazing what some people do for their girlfriends. All I have to say is: whOO-PSH!

Saturday, October 18, 2003


Does the fact that someone who has managed to have two kids out of wedlock by the age of 25 make them more slutty than someone that's had sex with 2 or more people slept around a tonne by the age of 21 but hasn't had any kids?

REALLY. I was so upset to hear someone actually had the nerve to imply that.

Oh yeh...

Do you think it's possible for someone to be so into someone they've never been with? Just asking.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Chau! Mi llamo Nelisa.

I'm really happy at the moment. Anyone I've talked to since about 9am yesterday probably knows why. All I can think about is how much He loves me. He has given me an opportunity that I've been praying for and I can hardly believe that I deserve it. I'm not looking for any pity compliments or anything... but seriously... I've got this battle raging inside me. I've fallen so often and He - rewards me? It doesn't seem fair. But I also believe that what happens in this world is His will. He has allowed me to follow this new path and I just pray that I make the most of it. I pray that I don't let Him down.

In other news, Alisa and I went to our first Spanish class last night! I'm so excited about it! We learnt just a few phrases last night. I reckon we start getting into it next week. Can't wait. Another thing good about Spanish classes is that I get to hang out with Alisa. I NEVER see that girl as much as I see my other friends. It was so fun just to have so much time to catch up on EVERYTHING! When she dropped me off, we sat in the car for a bit just talking about all sorts of things we can't talk about because of our separate lives. It was awesome. She had to speed off though.

There was this stationwagon just driving up and down my street really slowly. It got REALLY weird when it had passed at least 5 or 6 times. The next time it drove up, it switched its headlights off for a couple houses before switching them back on and driving passed us again. That freaked us out so she had to leave and I raced into my house. My mum, dad and I stood just inside my door with the porch light off seeing if the car was gonna come by again. It didn't. Then, this guy walked up the street and stopped in front of the house across the road. He sorta stood there for a bit then ran all the way back from where it came from. SPOOKY! I'm glad Al got out though. I was freaking out because she wasn't picking up my calls after I got into the house.

Okay... it's late. Buenas Noches!

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Just watched From Justin To Kelly. Verdict?

It was a little cheesy for me. But that's just me. Veed loved it, of course. I did decide that I'd like to date a dancer though. There was this bit at the end where Justin *drool* did a body roll on Kelly. Sounds puncy aye? My, my did I drop!

Justin is hot. That's all. PaYcE.

'tis been a while... sorta.

My week hasn't been super exciting. Main highlights:
* Bek got eliminated from Australian Idol. I'm a little sad about it.

* Work's gotten me programming again. I was programming happily on Friday arvo - and since I was having issues, I'm gonna practise tonight if I can't find anything else to do.

* Dad came back Tuesday morning so I picked him up from the Airport early in the morning and then parked in the dungeon before rocking up late to work :) KKK came over and we watched the video my Dad took in New Jersey and we got a little nostalgic.

I want to travel so badly. I don't know where, and I don't know who with. I don't know a lot of people who are REALLY up for some serious travelling sometime next year or the year after. I was talking to my Ate Christina today and she said that her 6 week trip to Europe set her back $10k++! Her advice to me today: Don't buy yourself a car. Don't waste your money on that - invest it and travel OKAY!

Oh yeh, the 21st is back on. Probably start planning at the end of the month.

I'm going to learn Spanish starting next week! Alisa signed us up late last week and - we're in! I'm really excited man!

Do you guys know how to FLIRT? Coz I was thinking about it... and I'm not sure I know how to do it. And even if I did, I'd feel super unco! Like, there was this time a couple of weeks ago, I was talking to my friend and, in the back of my mind, I asked myself "Am I flirting??" You know what? That made me cringe! I'm sure I've done it sometime in the past - but really, what's its purpose? Because I link flirting directly with courtship nowadays. WEIRD.

Okay, that's it. Byebye!

Okay, I don't really have anything else to talk about, but I thought you might want to know what else is going through my mind...

* Kellyville has deteriorating radio signal. When we went there today, I was thinking "It's be nice to live here coz it looks cozy". Thing is, it's far from everywhere and - the radio goes all crackly... what's the mobile network signal gonna be like!? Damn.

* Oh yeh, when I roll out of bed now, I see my reflection. My wardrobe doors were replaced with sliding mirrors so my room looks bigger, but unfortunately, you can't walk into the mirror (my mind's weird isn't it?). I'm about 90% finished putting all my clothes and stuff back in there.

* Renee Geyer looks a bit evil. She said something negative about AI - does she not know that Bekbek (you people are dirty) made her song popular? I don't know about any of you other Bek fans, but the first thing I did after she got eliminated was download "Heading in the Right Direction". I think Bek sings it better. But Renee isn't bad. She's quite good actually. Blues is cool.

* Upcoming events: Tommy's 21st next Friday. Mew's 21st celebrations on the 19th and the 24th! Mew, I've got a tentative speech man. I think it's about 2 sentences long because I don't want to waste brain power if I'm not gonna use it. I'll just write it in your card =)

* Hilary Duff is so HOT!

* Kelly Clarkson makes falling in love so exciting. "Miss Independent" - not really... but "Before Your Love" and "A Moment Like This". Damn. The path to finding the next Mr. Nelisa is gonna be hard man. If he makes any first moves, I'll think CONFIDENT! straight away. Problem is, I'd never make the first move. I look like I'm gonna be picky... I reckon I'll end up settling. You can't be picky without options. HAHA.

* ADORE2004 is coming... and so are all of you!

* I'm sleepy. Bye!

Monday, October 06, 2003

... and II: You.

I'm sorry for making you feel the way that you do. I think our problem stems from lack of communication. I find it really difficult to open up to you completely because of what's happened in the past. Y'see, I still feel like I'm rebuilding lost trust.

You don't know how many times I've felt the exact same way about you.

Just to keep this short... You're not a worthless inclusion to my life. I guess we just need to put everything in the past way behind us. Like I told you before, it's hard to re-form a relationship when memories of bad past experiences are still in the back of someone's mind. Let's just move on okay?

As for what was wrong with me when you asked - that's behind me now. I don't feel comfortable talking about it - that's why I didn't want to expand when you asked me. Sorry if that made you feel worthless.

Okay... Peas hun... <3ya.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

It's funny when you listen to a song and hear what other people hear when you talk to them:

I'm not tryna mess with yall today man/ I know what yall gon try to do/ Tryna hook me up with him/ And let me talk to him/ Nah man I'm not... no/ I don't wanna experiment and date around/ You know I just want one guy/ I'm not, I'm not with all of that/ You know, meeting people/ And testin' the waters/ And stuff like that/ No, I just, I just want to date one guy/ And see where it goes from there

There's no reason for me to do what you want me to/ That's the truth/ Wanna chill by myself and its cool/ Despite what you may think/ Cause I say/ When the time is right/ The real thing will come into my life/ And until then I'm so satisfied/ And happy with me

Excuse the grammar, but wow.

My thought for the day: The strength of any kind of relationship is determined by the effort parties put into it

I guess it doesn't have to be a great effort, just an effort both parties are comfortable with. I know that some of the relationships I have require more committment, while others are strong without so much nurturing. That's all. Bye!

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

II: Neex, Uhleesuh, Veed.
Contrary to anything I've told you recently, I'm not strong. That scares me. But you know what keeps me going? Your faith in me. I'm holding onto that so freaking tight right now. TTYL.

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

G'day. This is the first time I'm blogging from young qPaC (the close to try-hard name I've given the laptop).

Let's set the scene shall we? I'm sitting on Level 2 of the UTS FIT building with the laptop on my... lap =) waiting for my Mom and Vida to come by with the taxi so we can go home - during VC week. Dave left about an hour ago so I've been in the company of the echos of the FIT building. Bloody oath it's quiet. My IA tutor made us come into uni this week. As some sort of consolation, she let us off early. HM.

I downloaded 2 songs onto the laptop in the past hour, not because the WLAN here at UTS is heck slow - but because I have no idea what to download these days. Any suggestions?


... and I might as well tell you all that 'eye knee to pee'.

Entertain me PLEASE?

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Coming to the conclusion of the weekend.

Friday night was awesome. I checked out of work 15 minutes early (coz I'm BAD) and took a train to Nth Sydney to meet up with Lish, Mindy and Ed (and Phil but he went elsewhere) so we could head up to Manly for Minh's 21st!

We went to the hotel room they took out for the night to get ready. I opened my bag to pull out the shirt I was gonna wear and low and behold... I HAD LEFT IT AT HOME! How blonde is that? Lucky, Minh had a spare shirt (that looked almost identical to the shirt she was wearing!) so I boredborrowed (<-- will you LOOK at that spelling mistake?? SHAME!) that. We looked pretty damn identical in terms of clothes! Throw Mindy in and we had a browntop/blackbottom threesome! Awesome venue, hot bar and a good lot of people to make the night totally memorable for our dear friend Minh :).

Afterward, we chilled a bit in the hotel before Mindy and John took Nix and I back to Nix's house where we crashed for the rest of the night.

That was my weekend... seriously. Saturday, I bummed and pseudo-finished this layout. Today, I went to church and went to formation again. Can't wait till the performances tonight!

Okay, bye!

Oh yeh, and if you couldn't tell from the above post, I put pictures up :)

Saturday, September 27, 2003

How come no-one's ever really completely happy with themselves? There's always that one or two things or qualities they have that they'd like to change. Little do they know, someone's looking at them with envious eyes wishing they had those features.

I was thinking about that when I saw my shoulders today. They're so... wide, broad and straight. I stopped caring when I remembered that they invented shoulder pads in blazers for a reason.

Anyways, I'll be back in a bit. Just have to clean up then you guys can listen to me again =)

Okay. It's very incomplete. The content is a bit crappy. But I'm sick of the old one.

E-mail me if you run into ugly errors pls?

Ta luv. Gonna do the sampay. Then I might put up some pictures. Maybe.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Just thought I'd share what I learnt today with you...

You hear a lot of people preaching independence. What does that mean to you?

Well, follow this...

We have a veeerrryyyy old Telstar that my Dad bought as a second car to drive to the station (yeh, we don't use the Tarago to go to the station. It's my Dad's baby). He's let me drive it a few times and he'd be sitting right by me, training me to gas it the right way so that it doesn't die. He coached me so that I got it started quickly and correctly if it died in the middle of a roundabout. Regardless of all that training, I still managed to kill it at least once or twice every time I used it.

He's in America for the next one and a half weeks. I still have to use the Telstar to get from A to B when someone's taking the Commodore out. I've driven it a couple of times during the week and both times, I've managed to keep it alive. I loved it. On my way home from the gym tonight, it died as I left a set of traffic lights and I had to wake it up and move on. Did that fine too.

Point is, I've amazed myself by conquering something on my own. Conquering something, I couldn't otherwise conquer even though my Dad was by my side every step of the way. I guess while he's sitting next to me, I know that I don't have to rely solely on my ability since I know that, if I mess up, he can tell me how to move on. The day came, though, when I had to push myself to do it on my own - relying on my ability alone, I managed to deal with it well - even better than I would with assistance.

I think that takes independence.

Brought back memories of other times in my life when I had to make it alone. That time when I'd cry to my best friend everytime that guy hurt me. She'd tell me everything was gonna be okay and she'd hold my hand so I could move along. There were still times I'd fail, and I'd call on her again and she'd help me back up. It continued that way until she went on her own American holiday. What was I to do? She left me her words of wisdom. With that, I managed to move further in the right direction than she was ever able to push me.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, one day one might find themself alone. How do you go on without trust in your own inner strength (not to mention, some of that Divine guidance)? I've been single for so long (*cringe*) that I have no other choice but to rely on myself to make me as happy and strong as I can be. I recall stages in my life where I depended on people to make me happy - but when that went away, I needed to make sure that I could depend on Big Guy up there and myself to keep myself from losing hope and breaking down. Feels good man. Feels very good.

So I guess, when they say "Believe in Yourself" - take the advice. Never underestimate your inner strength.


Wednesday, September 24, 2003

I was thinking about "What if...?"s last night. It's amazing how DIFFERENT things could be if:
1. Something never happened, or
2. You approached things a totally different way - i.e. At a certain time of your life, you had two choices. Imagine how different things would be if you took the choice you didn't take.

It's really amazing. I was thinking about one particular thing, and like... MATE! My life would be so... different.

Y'know how people say that "I don't want to go out with them because we're friends and I'd rather stay friends because getting together and breaking up could possible result in the demise of the friendship. I'd rather have them in my life as a friend than not have them in my life at all" crap?

Well, yeh. I used to think that people just said that because they couldn't get that person. Now, I understand it.


Monday, September 22, 2003

Anyone interested?

I'm planning to learn some Spanish. Let me know if you wanna come! Weekly classes from Monday 13 October, 2003.

Sunday, September 21, 2003


I realised why I get so emotional and deep these days. I think it's because of my heightened levels of thinking and analysing of any and every situation in my or anyone else's life.

Is that bad that I analyse other people's lives? It's not like I tell them (unless relationship boundaries permit) right?

Anyways, yeh... and I think so far into things that if i ever tried to discuss it with someone else, they'd be caught off-guard and need some thinking time before they can really talk about it y'know? Consequently, I fight with myself in my head.

Does that sound a bit schizophrenic?

I just remember times when my ideas were challenged by other people. I remember once Nico picked a fight with me just so we could "challenge each other's ideas". I hated him for that because I get really touchy... but I reckon that kind of stuff helps you learn more about yourself and reinforce any ideas that you were previously less convinced about. I think that kinda stuff is fun =).

Anyways, I wasn't gonna do it... but...

       go LEVI go!

I love that guy man. There's something about the smile he has when he's performing... something about his build too. Don't really know what word I can use to describe it... but he's amazing! The way he performs - rocks my world.

I watched Bad Boys II last night with the cousins. Movie's pretty awesome. Quite graphic and violent though... but it's all part of the movie. I realllllly liked it. Wouldn't mind seeing it again. It's one of those movies where... all the girls fall in love with Will Smith and every guy's dreaming of buying the Ferrari and the "blue suit with the fuschia pink lining". Dream on boys.

Oh yeh, and it was Hana's Birthday yesterday. Headed up to the Entrance with the regular anti-socials and spent the night with the uni people and some of Hana's friends. It was an awesome place that we stayed at! Games, charades, sausages, Krispy Kreme and getting tipsy on half a glass of Midory and an empty stomach - what more could you want? I passed out early-ish though due to lack of rest.

That's all. Byebye!

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Ever felt like you were doing things (or not doing things) only because someone had a problem with you not doing them (or doing them) even if you don't agree with their opinions?

Coz I do. Problem now is, I've been bombarded with so many rules from here, there and everywhere that I'm trying to conform with all of them at the same time - and that doesn't work when they're all conflicting with each other. So, I'm just going to do nothing.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Thoughts for the day (via quotes):

     "You can be who you choose to be
          But whether you do, or whether you don't
                Depends on your PRIORITY" -- Stacie Orrico(Maybe I won't look back)

     "Don't make someone your PRIORITY
          ...while allowing yourself to be their OPTION" -- Denk

     "Happiness is a STATE OF MIND
          ... to be happy, BELIEVE you are happy" -- Me(Variation of Portelli's quote on Success)

FINAL THOUGHT: I don't like feeling NOT trusted. It's probably one of the worst feelings. It feels even worse when you know you deserve it coz it's a real struggle to REGAIN LOST TRUST.

That's all. Bye!

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Oh my goodness I just made a resolution. More on that in a bit.

Did I tell you I went to a Cycle class at the gym yesterday? Well, I did. WOW. That's very... tiring! It's cycling basically for a whole hour. I knew I was going to be struggling because cycling isn't really my strength, and I'm quite bottom heavy so the weight of my ass was bringing me down. Anyways, I survived. All today though, I had very sore quads. When I hopped back onto the bike tonight with my Personal Trainer, I started feeling the spots on my ass where last night's bike dug into it. OUCH!

Tonight, my trainer reassessed me. Weight up. Body fat down. Yeh, I'm slightly happy. He reckons I've just packed on a bit of muscle. I eat right most of the time I reckon, but I reckon I need to cut down even more if I'm going to go anywhere. So... here's my resolution:

* Only drink BOOST juice 1xweek

Scary huh? Anyone that knows me knows I probably can't do that. But I'll give it a go for the next couple of weeks and see if it helps me. That'll save me about $45/week too! Wish me luck!

That's all. Bye!

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Good evening.

1. This afternoon I decided that I wanted to sleep once I got home
2. My personal trainer told me it's not good to eat less 2 hours before you sleep
3. I ate the biggest lunch at Baba House on King St - Nasi Goreng YUMMMMM*coughOILYcough*! I concluded that my dinner would be tea

Putting all that together, I have my dilemma of the day: I got home and I was starving so I had to have MORE THAN tea (chicken and salmon!) therefore eating too late to sleep now because of point #2. Bloody boo.

How interesting is my life for that to me the most important dilemma of the day? I have no boyfriend, the rest of my friends do, and my sister's on the phone all night so I really don't have anyone to talk to.

Totally contradicting the last paragraph, my life's jam-packed full of crap that I don't have time to sit around and veg out.

Monday-Friday: Work+ (Gym/Uni homework, Uni, Gym, Gym, Friday night activities)
Saturday: AM veg time - if I wake up early enough for it, then Saturday night activities
Sunday: Church, MHCC meeting, Australian Idol

Maybe it's jam-packed, but routine. I need some variety mate.

I like Mindy's daily goal idea. I think I'm going to start making some... maybe =]

I have an urge to call Alisa tonight. She wasn't picking up. Then I read her blog. Then I wanted to call her even more.

Okay, that's all. Bye!

Saturday, September 06, 2003

RANDOMNESS - i.e. totally unrelated babble
I "lost" my cardholder the other night. After having a panic attack and stopping my key card, Vid said she had it the whole time (but forgot when I was looking frantically for it in the morning) *exhale* Anyways, I went to St. George to change security numbers and my PIN on my new card and the woman was being a bit confused and couldn't type my card number into the phone so I didn't put the right security number on. When I tried to log onto phone banking, I didn't know which security number/password combination to use so I rang the help line thing. I was on hold forever - keying in combinations at the same time. OF COURSE, when I finally got in, someone picked my call up on the other line so I didn't really need help after all. Geez.

Ever thought about the reasons people break up with other people? Vida and I were talking about it this morning. When you're really young and inexperienced (not going to put a number on it ever since Ezra gave me bubbles about calling her 'young'), some underlying break up reasons would be:
* That you never liked the person to begin with and just got with them because you wanted a bf/gf
* That you were so flattered when the person asked you out that you didn't bother thinking about whether you really wanted to... you just didn't want to say 'no'
* That you just met the person after getting onto them at some dance, thought they were 'the one' then decided... err... they weren't
* Physical intimacy has died down - it MUST mean they don't care - it MUST mean it's over
* Boredom
* Not getting along
* Someone better came along

There's got to me some more right? They're the only ones I came up with just then. Anyways... as you get older, that list of possible break up reasons shrinks down to:
* Found someone better or saw some desired qualities in someone that your bf/gf doesn't have
* Life paths are diverging
* ... maybe more - but I can't think of any

I think maybe because you become more picky about who you go out with when you're older - I reckon. Friendship before relationship is essential, I reckon. So any reasons related to clashing personalities are eliminated. Just leaves the above two. I think that's interesting. Feel free to argue. I was on 3 hours sleep @ 7am when I came up with those. Atm, it's 10am and I'm still on 3 hours sleep.

Can a guy and a girl really be close/best friends without any current/historical emotional crap?

You know what's funny? How I think every black CRVSport with a white plate number is Nix's. How I think every white Skyline is Lily's. How I think every red SirionGTVI with a yellow plate number and SnapOn seat covers is Dave's. Not so much the last two... but everytime I see that black CRVSport with a white plate number, I speed up to catch up to it just in case it's Nix's. I did it today. HAHA. That's all.

I'm still on 3 hours sleep. How about I sleep some more? Sounds good. Bye!

Sunday, August 31, 2003

Sorry if you read that. I'll keep my crap to myself next time.

Anyway, I'll tell you what's depressing? That my personal trainer told me that my outer left ligament is never going to be as strong as it was before. That really sux. He said, it'll mend, but it'll never be as strong. It's like stretching a rubber band (a lot) and trying to get it back to its original shape. I'm gonna be too scared to ski again... I gotta be all careful and crap. DAMN.

Okay, I'm going to watch some TV then head to the gym to strengthen my other leg muscles to compensate for my disabled outer left ligament. Peas.

What... a... crock... of... ish.

Yeh I'm annoyed. Because I'm gullible and if you act like everything is A-O-K, then I believe you. You know what though? I DON'T NOW.

Liiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeessssss..! I'm really upset. But if you ask about it, I'm not gonna talk to you about it so don't bother.

I really don't know what to do about it. How do you deal with this? ARGH. Okay that's all.

Saturday, August 30, 2003

G'morning all!

Decided to blog a bit since I haven't for almost two weeks!

* Went to Therese's 21st
* Went to Nick's 22nd
* Went to Lish's 21st - Ali Baba's
* Merrylands ADORE 2004 promo
* Worked
* Watched Finding Nemo

I LOVED FINDING NEMO! I really did! I met up with some friends last night to get the late session of the movie and, at first we felt heck old when out of the last session came people that could almost be classified as either a child or a parent! There weren't many of those at the late session. But, no joke, I was laughing so much of the movie it hurt! I really really enjoyed it!

After that, we stood in the cold thinking of what to do before heading to Parra to chill. They played pool at Hotel Parra then we had some eats at City Extra.

I don't really have that much to say right now. What's wrong with me?! lol... Bye!

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Mindy made me re-evaluate my PASSIONS. She made a point on her blog - that we mixed up general interests with passions.

PASSION (pash-on)
1. Ardent love.
2. Boundless enthusiasm.

... yeh they're still passions!

Saturday, August 16, 2003

Okay you impatient buggers... I'm blogging!

FRIDAY 8 Aug 2003
Went to Sol Bar on Oxford St. for Dee's birthday. Mel drove me up along with a bunch of her high school friends. It was a good party. Nice to see all the Peakers again :). Sol Bar just wasn't me. It felt a bit seedy. I guess if you take away all the drunk chicks throwing themselves onto guys - then Sol Bar's a nice place :) Mel and I headed home early-ish though. Didn't wanna be walking around Kings Cross so late. We d&m'd on the way home which was good.

SATURDAY 9 Aug 2003
Today was a laaaaaaaazy day. I woke up late-ish with no-one home (AGAIN!!) and I began organising the pictures that I got developed during the week (Somehow 150 pictures turned into 147?). I bought double sided tape in order to mount the pictures into the scrapbook I bought from Lincraft the day before. I also bought another album... when I discovered all my pictures weren't going to fit in the scrapbook.

That took about 2 hours or so. It was really fun too because I got to look back on lots and lots of memories that are no long confined to the volatile environment of my computer. I decided I didn't want to stay home that night so I sms'd Mamo to see what he had planned for the night. I had heard from Mel that he was planning to have an American Pie 3 outing that night. Mamo confirmed this and I proceeded to plan the night out. Managed to get Mel, Dave, Joe and Bjorn to come out - and the LL's joined us once we got to Parra. We had dinner at City Extra then rushed it to Village coz we were late-ish for the movie. The movie itself was pretty funny! I really liked it minus the humungous boobs - but what else do you expect from the American Pie series aye? HEHE.

SUNDAY 10 Aug 2003
Nothing much happened today. It was just Church with a little "you will be in charge of the parish youth" talk from Fr. Thanh after mass. Vid and I went straight to the MHCC Formation where we reminisced about the July retreat and excited ourselves about ADORE 2004. OOH TIME FOR A PLUG!

What: ADORE 2004
Where: Telstra Dome, Melbourne VIC
When: Th20040122 - Su20040125
What For: ADORE is an event to further strengthen the conviction of young people to embrace every human being with the love of Christ by preserving his presence inside every heart and mind, especially through Eucharistic communion and adoration, the use of the Sacrament of Confession and the meditation on his life though the Holy Rosary
From Me: It's a huge event - our biggest obstacle is getting all the youth that really want to go all the way to Melbourne. It's going to be VERY worth it, I promise you won't leave feeling let down. Let me know if you're interested okay?


Went to work. E-mailed 'The Ring' (hehe) and planned a little surprise get together for Bjorn's birthday. Dave and I had class after work, then we met the uni group (incl. MINDY... who has just come back from EVERYWHERE!) and headed down to King St. for some Wagamama. Lee, Anabel and Joe even drove up so it was a really successful night for something we planned during the day! If you're ever stuck on a place to eat... Wagamama's pretty fantastic! I loved the food there!

THURSDAY 14 Aug 2003
* Work
* Payday
* Met the girls at Parra, had lunch at Bellini's then bummed at my house until bed time

FRIDAY 15 Aug 2003
Our e-mail at work was being a bit gay so I couldn't really e-mail 'The Ring' Friday. Sucked lots because I really wanted to do something Friday night and the default planning medium (e-mail) was out! Anyways, I think we decided to wing it at night since noone could decide on anything concrete. I called Minh after church and plans turned out to be KK @ 2130.

Dave and Mel picked me up from home, and after a quick stop at Dave's we met Minh, Will, Mindy and Phil @ KK. Ed and Amelia joined us while we were on the line too! Last night... I think we just talked it till 1:30am! Pretty fun!

We talked about PASSIONS. It was very interesting to guess/hear what everyone was passionate about. It was even MORE interesting to find out what people thought my passions were. They came up with:

* "Family... yeh family... your cousins? Yeh that's family."
* Religion
* Friends... giving advice...
* d&m's - "Mate, Nel LOVES her d&m's!", and.....
* "Programming... would that be your passion? I mean, would you actually go home, and program? *silence* OH MY GOSH!"

Pretty happy about mine. It was interesting to see how well everyone knew what their passions were... WHAT ARE YOUR PASSIONS? See if you know 5!

SATURDAY 16 Aug 2003
* Got woken up by Michael this morning who came by to drop of Therese's 21st invite - which is TONIGHT!
* Organised the ride to Therese's while eating KK for breakfast (yeh.... I know)
* Did some laundry
* Got Dave to help me get msblast.exe off my computer

Plan to...
* Go to the gym
* Shop for tonight, Lish's 21st next week - I LOVE 21STs!!
* Stop by KK (again!) to get tonight's dessert
* Go to Therese's 21st


I'm getting together some very prelim plans for my 21st. I'm pretty sure the venue's going to be my back yard - just gotta come up with a program... let me know if you don't want to make a speech, coz I'll probably get everyone too - it's bighead night for me :D

Anyways... take it easy homies. Bye!

Thursday, August 07, 2003

* Saw the girls for a briefy Saturday evening
* Aaron's 21st @ his house Saturday night
* JAS' 21st @ his house later that Saturday night
* Put 150 pictures - $90 worth - of digital pictures into KODAK for development. I was supposed to get them back this arvo, but I left work too late :(

21 Questions
1. Do you believe in being in a relationship "for now"? With that in mind, do you believe in not being with a particular person "right now"?
Y'see... I really believe that girls want to settle down way quicker than boys do, so I easily believe in the second question. I reckon that there's no great need to attach yourself to one person. There are a lot of people in the world, and who's to say that a person that I choose right now will be the one and only person for me? There may be, however, those one or two people that I'd like to be with - but not now. I reckon lots of people my age are still figuring themselves out, including a mad lot of boys! I've been single for a while now, and I've learnt so much about myself and my limits and I've gained an independence you can't really get in a dependent relationship. This means making up my own mind about things. I love it! I figure, if there are guys out there that are doing that... why stop them? As time goes along its merry way, people are gonna want something for keeps and I reckon that's when the quality of relationships will up.

With that in mind, at this stage in my life, I don't believe in "for now" relationships. They're just not for me. Ask me 4 years ago, and I may have had a different opinion. I just reckon there are too many emotions and energy involved in a "for now" relationship.

None of the above is to say that a) No-one can find the right person at a younger age; people do mature at different stages in their lives, and b) "For now" relationships can't blossom into "For much longer than now" relationships... just in case you've misread me.

2. If you knew someone was keeping something very secret, and it's possible they're keeping it for a valid reason, do you force it out of them?
I'm just asking because I know I wouldn't seriously continue to push it out after feeling resistance. Thing is, I know some people think I'll budge when I have my secrets, and I find myself in a compromising position - HM.

That's my insight for today :) Bye!

Saturday, August 02, 2003

Why does my blogger editing screen change depending on what computer I log into? Weird.

Ready for the second installment of the SNOWIES2k3 trip? I'm still going through withdrawals. They'll go away soon... hopefully.

THIS TIME LAST WEEK: We just arrived at Blue Cow for Skiing Day 2
 Bjorn and I managed to be the only ones with sore muscles
 We had an awesome, but fatty, breakfast
 We took some pictures that'd get Llewol in trouble if he became president *rollseyes*
 We cheered about having more van space since our bags weren't in there
 We bought some anti-freeze just in case, and didn't end up using it
 We got hit with the national park fee we managed to escape the day before
 Joe won a game of backseat chess
 We sooked about how, if we bought our lift passes at Perisher, we'd get them cheaper

The second day of skiing was definately better! It was a beautiful day, so we were all able to ski without trying to protect ourselves from pelting snow. I went down a run with the better-than-me people, came last and took the T-bar lift up with Mel.... since I mastered it with Bjorn the day before :)

Bjorn, Minh, Liv, Phil and I all joined a beginner lesson down Pleasant valley and when we got to the top again, Bjorn and I were the only ones that made it. Not really sure what happened to the others. Bjorn and I took one last run down Pleasant Valley then decided to take a break. During our break, we decided that we conquered Pleasant Valley already so we needed a challenge. We remembered Hana and Joe talking about Mt. Guthega the day before and we decided, whether we died or not, we were gonna conquer Mt. Guthega! We got a trail map and studied it carefully and went on our way.

We went down the early starter run so we could check out our route on the way back up the lift. On our way to the Guthega peak, we ran into Lily and Lowell who skiied with us to, and stacked it with us at the foot of the J-bar lift. They ultimately went ahead of us because I was slow and Bjorn and I were generally crapper than them HAHA. A J-bar and T-bar lift later we got to the top of Guthega and powered down it. It was the maddest!! We felt very accomplished after that!

We called it a day then. We met the others and went back to Perisher where we (minus Liv+Minh) decided to stick around for night skiing. We had dinner while we waited at this Italian place at Perisher.

When we got to the night skiing runs, we were told we had the wrong lift passes so most of us got discouraged and headed back to the car. I was about to truddle off until Llewol suggested we have another go at sneaking on the lifts. We made it! So five of us (LLx2, Mel, Bjorn and I) got to experience unauthorised Perisher night skiing - OOOOOH! It was an awesome run too! After two runs, consisting of two stacks each and coming last... I managed to conquer the run on my 3rd go! No falls at all!! When I got to the bottom, Bjorn decided to call it a night and head back because he was feeling too confident. The rest of us stayed for one more run. I stayed mainly because I wanted to do a no-fall run one more time.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen for me.

On my way to the top of the run after getting off the lift, I crashed into the back of Lily's skis and expected a graceful fall..... but ended up hearing icky cracking noises instead. EW! Long story short, the others got a ranger to take me down in a sled (looking as pathetic as ever) and got me checked out. I was okay... I just strained my outer left ligament pretty bad so walking was a slow and careful exercise over the next days.

From the best of my knowledge, the guys that missed out on night skiing made snowmans and had snow fights without us. The others told them to bring the van closer to where we were so I wouldn't have to walk so far to get to them. It was so funny! The van attempted a rescue... but got bogged instead! They drove into snow and couldn't get out! Luckily another stupid group of people bogged their car in, and our crew and their crew (of three!) managed to get both vans out of the snow. We headed home then........ after a 10 minute delay coz we had to look for the missing wheel brace in the snow unsuccessfully.

That night was relaxing. The shops were closed so it was alcohol free so we just played a very excited game of CHARADES. Phil taught us how to play BOK and "THE HAND GAME". I turned in around 3.30-ish and the still-awakes headed to bed an hour later (so I heard).

We were homebound the next day. We had a pancake breakfast, returned our gear and headed home. Felt very nostalgic at that point *sigh*. We had a stopover at Canberra for lunch and ended up back at Mel's safe. THE END.

I had the best three and a bit days with those people! Can't wait till next year! Seeya!

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

The night I got home from the snows, I wrote a list of memories down so I never forget the whole experience. I realised then that I wasn't going to be able to effectively recount the whole trip in enough detail. So here starts the summary of SNOWIES 2k3!!...

PARTICIPANTS: Me, Mel, Minh, Hana, Olivia, Lily, Lowell, Dave, Bjorn, Joe, Phil
TIME OF DEPARTURE: 25-Jul-2003 2030
MODE OF TRANSPORT: Budget 12-seater van
TOTAL COST: Upwards of $500 (incl. transport, food, accomodation, lift passes, ski gear)

I hurried out of work Thursday afternoon to get to Minh's house before 1900. We waited for Hana and Liv before heading over to my house so I could do some last minute packing. The boys, Mel and Lily came around 2030 and the journey began.

There were 3 driving shifts: Dave took us to Queanbeyan, Lowell took another 200-something k's and Joe took us to our final destination. The van ride was good. It was a van full of excited skiing beginners (+Mel), telling jokes and singing songs to compensate for the lack of good radio. The tape deck wasn't working so we couldn't hook up a CD player *doh*

Our final destination was Mitre 10 Garden Centre in Jindabyne. We arrived in Jindabyne in the wee hours of the morning so we needed a place to park and attempt to get some shut-eye. Didn't happen for most of us so we were up looking for breakfast around 06-something.

After breakfast, we headed to REBEL to get out ski gear and get out lift passes. We bought some snow chains from our favourite 24-hour convenience store, BP, and headed up the mountain.

When we got to Perisher, it started to snow. I was pretty excited because I hadn't ever skiied in falling snow before so I thought it'd be a good experience... yeah right! The snow particles were so small and so close to icy that going against the wind would mean getting hit in the face by the pelting snow. We went skiing at Blue Cow, which was meant to have the best runs. I didn't have the best experience that day. So much falling down and painful snow! Bjorn and I managed to fall off a lift and we were forced to drag ourselves back onto the beginner's run from an intermediate run! By lunch time, I was tired, sunburnt (yes sunburnt) and my hair was icy as heeeeell! I had lost all motivation by that time so we went home soon after - well, we tried to go home anyway.

On our way out of the crowded and traffic-filled carpark, we discovered that - duh! - the van was rear wheel drive and having snow chains on the front wheels wasn't doing anything for us. So the boys figured moving the chains to the rear wheels would fix our problem.......... in a perfect world.

Unfortunate for us, Budget gave us unidentical rear wheels so one of the snow chains didn't fit on one of the wheels. The boys resolved to switch the bigger wheel with the spare wheel on the van. 2 and a half freezing hours later, we all got back into the car - frozen toes and all - and headed home. It was a nightmare and the thought of another day of skiing was very much "not enticing". We were lucky the ranger came to help us - he was our angel!

After we picked up the house keys, we headed home and the girls started cooking while the boys lined up for a very well deserved hot shower - timed and all! Dinner followed 11*5minutes later and we pretty much dropped straight after due to our lack of night before sleep and the tiring first day at Blue Cow.

*exhale* That was Day One. Stay tuned for Day Two...

What do you do when you realise one of your friends has a serious dislike toward you? Given history, it's kind of understandable... but don't you think you move on? I thought moving on would be SWEET. I just don't think it's a two-way thing anymore. Just makes things harder - you've got to step lightly around them and you know what? Why should you have to do that around a friend? I thought friendship was supposed to survive the low points. I'm pretty confused. Any advice?


Sunday, July 27, 2003

Hi! Got back from the snows.

This is what happened...

We went, we skiied, we went home.


... more when I have the time :)

Sunday, July 13, 2003

I'm so mad! I had to update my blogBack code and when I went to publish, it re-published ALL my archives!! So all my blogs take the form of this trashy layout. Gives me even more motivation to hurry my ass up to finish my new layout. ARGH!


We went to KKK's house last night to celebrate Kim/Uncle Chito's birthdays. I have to take Kim out after her trials. Any ideas of where to take her??? Anyways, it was just good to have both sides of the family altogether in one place. Good family fun =D

Last night was also theVENUE @ (minc) in the city. It was a good party... so many people came that when Nix, Mush and I went out to get some more $$$ from ANZ, we got stuck in the Guestlist/Re-entry line for over 15-something minutes! Apparently, the club was "too full". Funny how when we got let in, we all ended up downstairs. I drove Mush home for the first time through her scary neighbourhood =\. Lucky Jem, Nix and Mel were there to keep me company!

Jonathan snuck his head under my blanket this morning saying "Ate Nelisa, wake up now!" Probably the first time since they got here when I wanted him to go away hehe. I finally got up coz I needed to go to church - plus I had to pee.

After church, I got dropped off at home shortly before Mel came to pick me up to go to Bicentennial Park for Jos' birthday BBQ. We got Minh and met the boys at the park where:
* We ate heck yum food - good sausages, good salad, awesome cake,
* We played with the Vortex. It was sooo obvious us girls were power deprived because we couldn't throw the Vortex further than 10 metres!, aaaand
* I sprained my thumb after FINALLY attempting to catch a very fast Vortex coming at my face. It's so disgusting! I've got this humoungus bump on my right hand. It's so bad considering I'm right-handed and work consists of typing all day (I'm currently typing with my whole left hand and my index finger on my right hand). I'm so immobile!

Anyways, I'm sleepy and that bed looks quite appealing to sleep in. Ta-Ta!

Saturday, July 12, 2003

Just staying awake till I have to go with my dad to pick up Veed.

I took Veed, Jem and Jamison to Shark Bar tonight. After we dropped them off, Nix and I went to City Extra to get some eats. Ren, Baz and Macca met us there and we just talked until it was late enough for parentals to start getting peeved that we weren't home yet.

Can't wait till my first stay home Friday night. It won't be next week because that's when the AHFI retreat's on. Won't be the week after coz *drumroll* I'M GOING TO THE SNOWS! I'm so excited! I get paid next week so hopefully, I can shop up some mad ski wear and stuff. Hopefully, my digi-cam comes in before we go to the snows because I'm looking forward to taking hecka photos!

Nix and I talked lots since we had lots of driving time alone (how romantic!). It's interesting to see how many girls need to be pampered and measure a guy's affection through the amount of money he's willing to spend on her. It's even more interesting to see how many guys think it's so necessary to spend all their money on their girlfriend so not to look like a unproviding boyfriend. Gosh. Like I told Nix tonight, knowing that he thinks about me during any day and genuinely cares for me is worth more than anything money can buy. I'd hate to know that money's being spent on me to win my affection and respect. I'd be with them for a reason... and the reason has nothing to do with the size of his wallet. That's what I reckon anyway. Disagree all you want...

Anyways... might grab a bit of sleep before heading back out to the city *groan* Bye!

Sunday, July 06, 2003

Seattle and Sydney have a minus-5-minus-12 time difference. You know what that means...

The kiddies fell asleep early last night, so I got to go out to dinner last night.

By the time I got home and into bed, it was around 1pm i.e. 8am Seattle time. Cheska fell asleep around 5pm (midnight ST) so, of course, it was time to wake up. falling asleep that early last night means she missed dinner. So we were lying in the dark... and I was pretending I didn't know she was awake... then her tummy started talking. I couldn't just LEAVE it grumbling and not do anything about it! So, being the good cousin I am, I got up with her and cut her some apples to shut her tummy up. She wasn't sleepy AT ALL, so I stayed up with her while she played games on It was okay for an hour, but I needed sleep. I went to bed telling her to wake me up if she needed me.

The next time I woke up was when Tita Grace came in to check on her at 4am... and she was still playing! What an addict! LOL.

We're going to Canberra today. I'm half dressed - so I think I should get fully dressed. I'll REWIND the night later. Bye!

Just got home from a looooong day. We went to Canberra - Parliament house, War Memorial... - then stopped over at Nikkie and Geno's for dinner.

U.BILL: Cheska, Jonathan missed you in our car. Didn't you miss your Ate Jon?
U.B: Jonathan was even saying "Where's Ate Cheska?"
J: *confused* No, I wasn't!!!!!

(playing go fish)
SUSANA: Cheska, do you have a shark? (pronounced shaaaahk)
FRANCESCA: Oh, I understood that!

HAHA... love those kids!

Last night was celebrations for Minh's DI accomplishment! 2 minutes after asking my parents if I could go out with the girls, I was out the door to meet Mel, Minh and Zayra. We went for dinner at Savana's where Llewol, Dave and Joe joined us after "keeping us in mind". We had an outdoor table which meant I was freezing on the left side of my body and drying up from the heaters on my right side. Dinner was good... good to catch up with everyone. We headed out to Krispy Kreme afterwards coz Minh was a KK virgin. Lowell brought Lily out and we just chilled there until it was home time. Good night. Too bad I had little sleep last night (refer top)...

Gonna go get some now... after PUNK'D! Slaters!

Saturday, July 05, 2003

The American's have landed!! Our relatives from Seattle, WA came in this morning. My Tita Grace, Uncle Bill and my two cousins Francesca and Jonathan are gonna be staying with us for the next few weeks. How exciting! You guys all have to meet them! They're real cute... I love their accents!! Jonathan says the cutest things too! His quote for today:

(after I asked him when he'd be going back to school) "I don't waaanna go back to school... because I have a tummy ache"

I couldn't stop laughing! He had a sook in the car at the beginning of the car ride though because the car seat we got for him was "for babies" and he's 3yo!

Well, I know I do this more often than not... anyways...


* Nix's house on Thursday w/ the girls, Baz, Macca and Ren
* Lunched it with Minh-face on Thursday. She had an interview (and scored!) so she lunched it with us afterwards at good ol' Pitty
* Bought my first item off eBay! I have a new digi-cam!! I won't be getting it for a bit though... Hopefully, I get it before the cousins leave so I can get some quality memories out of it!
* Field trip to Transit Bar last night for Charlene's birthday. I was meant to do the drop-offs and pick-ups for Veed, Nix and Jem but they convinced me to stay. I tried to wear the most non-clubby clothes EVER, but Nix managed to hook me up coz she was wearing two =D
* Got locked in the cinema car park and dished out 89 biggies to get out. What a rip-off! It was so annoying because the carpark closed at 2 and we were so there before 2am! I didn't wanna complain though. At least we weren't stuck in the city overnight right?

Tonight? Not sure yet. The American's are knocked out so I might slip out for dinner coz they're celebrating Minh's jobb-ish!

pEaS Out hOmes...!

Sunday, June 29, 2003

As predicted, my layout's not up yet because:
1. It's not finished, and
2. Content is virtually non-existant =
So we're going to have to wait MORE! It should be taking a backseat because I've got uni reports to do but... eh.

It's been a week... and what a week it's been (that sounded like I said the same thing twice heh).


* Referred Pam for a Junior Accounts position. The day after her loooooong interview, she got offered the job! WEE! Two-out-of-two!
* Shopping with Melicious Thursday night. Bought a burberry (sp?) scarf and earrings from Prouds. Also met the girls Thursday night for a bit.
* Joined FitnessFirst on Thursday night. Veed and I got up extra early Friday morning to get an hour's workout at the gym before work. <3-ing FitnessFirst! I went again yesterday after dropping Veed off at work - that place really motivates me!
* Youth meeting Friday night followed by dinner at Macca's and singing practice at the cousins' house.

The past 24-and-a-bit hours have been pretty non-stop. I got up early yesterday morning to take Veed to her greenP's test @ 0900 and trekked back to Stockies for my dentist appointment @ 0930. I managed to get too Stockies early so I bought a Diesel jacket at the Loose Threads sale - 50% off! YEH!

Picked Veed up after the dentist's and dropped her off at Parramatta for work. Then came my hour and a half at the gym. I lost track of the time so I had to speed to Mt. Druitt afterwards to make our 1300 MHCC Formation. I went back to Parra after formation where I ran into Phil while waiting for my sister to finish work. Phil hadn't bought Mindy's birthday card, so I bought it and signed it since I wasn't going to be at that night's dinner =(. Phil waited till my sister broke out of Prounds then we went home.

Rushed to get ready for Tita Glo and Tito Chi's 25th Wedding anniversary. I managed to squeeze in a little "Ma,canIsleepoverAlisa'shousetonight?" while I was getting ready, and to my surprise, she said yes to my last minute request! That meant, on top of getting ready for the anniversary, I had to burn a CD for the performance and get my stuff ready for Alisa's sleepover.

Our first stop for the night was a quick MHCC core group meeting at Cor's house. We got to the anniversary a little past 2000 and got into anniversary mode. We a cappella'd "Thank God I found You" (where Kristela sang like the songbird herself!) shortly before performing "Dirrrty" for the Umpteenth time. We left around 2330, me in one car and the rest of the family in the other car.

I called Mel to see whether they were still in the Parra district (THIRD time driving to Parra yesterday!), and they were! I dropped in to Sicilian where everyone was just about ready to leave - but at least I got the chance to say Bon Voyage to The Europe Bound (Mindy, Lish & Clare) and Happy Birthday to Accenture's newest employee =D.

I got to Alisa's sometime past 0000 Sunday where I jumped into my PJ's and caught up on the evening's festivities! We ate... and ate... then we drank tea to flush it all out. Loriann fell asleep first and, as predicted, I passed out aroune 3am. When I woke up, Al, Ana and Vin (who hadn't slept!) reported that their... tea had worked and we chatted until their boyfriends plus Cruz came back stinkin' like fish (esp. Merv!). After we all got ready, we headed to City Extra for breakfast then we all went our separate ways.


Went straight to church from there... got home, unpacked then... here I am! Blogging. Cheers braaahzz!

Sunday, June 22, 2003

I need a new layout. Suggestions please? COLOUR at least? Ta.

I went to KrispyKreme today after dropping Veed off at work. Yeah, the dOUGHnuts are:
1. Yum
2. Sweet, and
3. Filling (fatty filling)

Worth the hype? Yeah... you should go while it's still new - feel the ambience. But to me, they're still only donuts. Just sweeter. My favourite was the original glaze's. Plain but the most satisfying =)

I dropped by the cousins' house to give them some donuts (coz we bought 3 boxes and had 2 and a half left!). I hung out there for a bit then I went home where I realised a friend of mine decided to arrive without notice. It gave me quite a shock actually coz I wasn't expecting them so soon but......... whatever.

Meanwhile, it's only a couple more weeks till the MillCreek'ers from the USA come down! I'm very excited coz I can't wait to see the kiddies again! They're so cute!

Yeah, that's all. Help me out on the layout thing okay? Peas.

OOH! New layout's coming along. I'm about 1/3 of the way through the LAYOUT. It's late so I couldn't be bothered doing the rest just year.
Tentative release date: Saturday, 28th June 2003

... that's if I can get some content together too! Bye!

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

How's this for love?
Today, I got Veed a job at work! They don't even need her to come in for an interview or anything! They're happy for her to start ASAP - so she's starting tomorrow. I hope she yields much from the experience =D

In other news...
* I'm returning to the gym. I figured that with the snows coming up and all, I need to get fit! I went in on Monday morning - bright and early @ 7am - and the soreness still in my legs right now tells me that I have A LOT of work to do. I'm probably gonna head back out once the Veed gets home from Jessica's.

* Monday saw my first and only exam this semester. I was quite happy with the way I did. There wasn't anything in there that I wish I learnt more about which was good. In accounting, if it balances - I'm happy (or I'm wrong with a tiny error). When beginning cash + total cash inflow (outflow) = end cash - I'm happy.

* I really believe exercise makes you happy. State in the following transitive and evident in my moods lately.
"Exercise makes endorphins. Endorphins make you happy." -- LEGALLY BLONDE


Saturday, June 14, 2003

Hope nobody read that. I was doing my emotionals this afternoon again.

Luckily, sleep does lots of good stuff - the most important being helping me forget things.

I'M THE PROCRASTINATOR OF LIFE! I haven't studied for my exam on Tuesday. I plan to soon, but I know I probably won't until Monday. I might start tomorrow... probably won't.

We'll see how we go... bye!

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Today was one of those days:

... I wish I had one of those phone cameras on the train. You shoulda seen the face on the guy sitting about 5 seats away from me, facing me, playing his phone games. There was so much concentration in his face - I had to restrain myself from laughing.

... I wish there were toilets on my train. Actually, let me rephrase that. Today was one of those days I wish there were clean toilets on my train. I had to meet my parents for the train, and I was already running late (as per always) so I decided to pass on going to the toilet before leaving work. BIG MISTAKE. I was antsy all the way home!

... I wish we could call our cars, and they'd drive up to you. That'd be sweet. That came up mainly because, today, we parked heck far from the station because I woke up late. Walking in the dark isn't very pleasant in Fairfield.

Guess what? My boss asked me if I needed a day off work to study for my exam next week. HOW SWEET! I was planning to not take any work off, but since he offered, I'm down for Tuesday off next week! Anyone wanna come with me to UWS Parra next Tuesdee?

Anyways, as per Alisa's request, here are last weeks FridayFive (in French!):

1. Combien de fois avez-vous été en amour?
Once. Moving on.....

No, I'm joking. But seriously... if love is the feeling I felt when I was with him, then once. First and (so far) only love. I wonder whether, if there is a next time, it'll feel the same as that. First love (and not to mention young love) is exciting. I wonder what real and mature love feels like...

2. Qu'est-ce qui est le plus fantastique de la personne que vous aimez ou avez aimé le plus?
Oh, THIS is why Alisa wanted me to do this! I think, probably, the way he made me feel important. The way that, after everything we'd been through, he still wanted to be with me. The way that I was his one and only and we could be TOTALLY comfortable with one another. People change... people grow up and apart. It happens.

3. Quelle qualités aimez-vous retrouver chez un(e) partenaire?
They need to be understanding...
They should have a genuine care for their partner...
They should be trustworthy...
They need to be patient (because apparently, I'm complicated)...

4. Avez-vous déjà brisé le coeur de quelqu'un?
Probably not. Can't really answer this one.

5. Si il y avait une chose que vous pourriez enseigner à quelqu'un à propos de l'amour, que serait-ce?
Be smart. Be sure if you ever decide to give your heart away. Parents are right - mature love is more fulfilling so don't waste your time and your youth on something that won't last. There are better things to life than being tied down when you're young. Not to say that you should close up all your options. If it's there, it's there - but be sure.


Tuesday, June 10, 2003


Boy that rocks my world:

How many of you didn't cheer when Rory finally admitted that she wanted Jess all along. It's kinda sad that their relationship's gonna go through some toughies though. But I've always wanted her to choose Jess over Dean. I'm sorry but Dean just rubs me the wrong way.

Favourite Song of Praise:
"Now that you're near"

BOOST juice never fails me.

I think I'm self-involved.

Dope moment:
The ski posse needs to pay me back, but I gave them the wrong BSB Number.

Discussion point:
I watched Brown Suga the other night... and the night before that. I wonder if anyone is going to know and understand me upside down and inside out. Do I have to let some of me go because I'm too rigid?

Final note: