Wednesday, May 04, 2005

the family meeting

Tonight, when I got home, the family had a meeting to discuss the events coming up in the next couple of weeks:

1. Mother's Day
2. My Graduation
3. Mama's Birthday

We had a meeting that almost went for an hour discussing what we'd do for each occasion, when the activity will be, who'd be coming and, if necessary, what food to prepare. It was such an interesting meeting - emphasising parts of each person's character...

Daddy - indecisive, asks a lot of unrelated questions, doesn't want to be involved in the decision making process unless we're going to Rosehill Bowling Club to eat, drifts off and comes back when we've gone far enough that he'd be lost, asks questions about things we've already decided.

Mama - listens to the arguments quietly, inputs when necessary, accomodating, easy going, the mediator.

Me - impatient, unconcerned with details, procrastinator, short attention span, stresses out when there's too much going on, will settle for the first decent suggestion.

Veed - accurate, pushes organisation, plans with a sense of urgency, pro-active, likes to summarise decisions, likes to volunteer to cook her baked potato, detailed.

It's not the Brady Bunch is it? I love the family.

Oh... I'm going to HAWAI'I! More later... Bye!

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