Saturday, November 13, 2004

doh! big spender!

I'm not that big a spender. But, at this stage in my life, where I've got accommodation to sort out for an overseas trip, I shouldn't be spending much.

BUT HEY! I just finished uni!

PLUS: I haven't bought myself anything for months because of Europe! So c'mon! I deserve it........ right?

Yesterday, I bought this really nice skirt and sleeveless top from deja vu in Wynyard. I LOVE IT! I didn't even have to try it on, I loved it so much. Do you guys need to try before you buy - if you know you like the style and it LOOKS like it'll fit? Coz I don't. I only try when I'm not sure it'll fit, or look good on me; like, if I'm unfamiliar with the brand or what not. You just shoulda seen the shock on Natalee and Mel's face when I told them I wasn't gonna try it on.

Today, I bought shoes to match the outfit. You would've bought them too! They were so cute! That's it.

... oh AND I finally bought myself a suitcase for Europe! It's currently living at my Tita's house because we didn't want to shock my Dad. He's having a little trouble dealing with me going away right now.

ALSO, my mum agreed to get me a digital camera! Remember how mine broke in the US? Well I'm gonna get the new Sony Cybershot so I'm pretty excited about that. It's more than $300 too so I can get the GST off it when I leave for Hawai'i!

Hawai'i is in 2 weeks! Eeps!

Ok enough. Bye!

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