Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Before Sunrise

Destiny's Child - Bad Habit

(thanks Alisa)

I just finished watching Before Sunrise on VIDEO (thanks Nix). There are so many parts of that movie I wish I could remember. There were lots of parts of that movie I had to rewind because I felt very de ja vu - like I felt like I'd said (or thought) some of the things she said.
I always feel this pressure of being a tall and independent icon of womanhood and not thinking, making it look like my whole life is revolving around some guy. But loving someone and being loved means so much to me. I always make fun of it and stuff... but isn't everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?
... and there was this part where they were in a listening booth, just the two of them, and she would look at him and once he'd turn to look at her, she'd look away. Then when she'd look back, he'd turn away... *sigh*
I like to feel his eyes on me when I look away.
I really enjoyed the simpleness of it.

I was talking to Mindy about pilates today. Has anyone tried it? Well, I have. I tried it because I heard it'd be good for me, help me become more flexible, help my breathing. Unfortunately, my first class was a painful one. In the days that followed, I was in pain - so much that I didn't go back. Since then, I did go back... but I was so afraid of the aftermath that I didn't put my all into it. So, pilates, to me, is useless.

They say pictures say a thousand words.
It's amazing the things that are said in silence.


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