Tuesday, January 04, 2005

in the face of adversity...

This is the optimist in me.

What I've seen during this whole tsunami disaster is the coming together of many countries. I'm overwhelmed by the amount of assistance many countries around the world are providing. I'm overwhelmed by the eagerness of Australian, British and American (and more) populations have toward donating what they can to help the victims of the tsunami. The way the big economies are freezing debt repayments from the affected nations, the way everyone wants to help.

I just think it's very inspiring.

Events such as this really put your problems in perspective. So what if I've put on 4kg and can't fit into half my clothes? So what if noone's called me all night? So what if I don't think I'll make my Mastercard deadline? So what if I can't charade the word MAJORITY?

So what...?

People around the world have much more pressing problems. Some kids don't know where their parents are. Some parents don't know where their children are. Thousands are now living in a state of poverty after their homes were washed away. Thousands of people can barely find a place to get some clean water.

Please help out if you can.

On a lighter note...

PLAYIN TABOO - "Sounds like............................wistake"

I'm not gonna get over that one.

Seeya when I seeya!

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