Thursday, January 01, 2004

Happy New Year!

20-oh-4 NYResolutions
#1 - Keep God first... ALWAYS
#2 - Less procrastination, more do
#3 - Be a good role model and friend to those who depend on me
#4 - Leave Sydney at least 3 times: January, July, November/December
#5 - Stay happy, stay positive, stay healthy
#6 - Learn to spend wisely, not impulsively..... more
#7 - Graduate with a graduate position

If 2004 will be like New Year's Day...
* The closest people to me will be around - my family and my best friends
* Old friendships can always be rekindled - we all grow up one day right?
* I'm gonna get to go out and stay in less
* I'll continue to come home 2 hours after I tell my parents I'll be home
* Lots of beautiful days - rain, hail or sunshine... every day we have is precious

* Love is not a game
* You're never really alone when you feel the most alone
* A world without secrets would mean a world without lies - how good would that be?
* Someone will always read into something you say/write
* Movies about love do not entice me - at all
* Lists are always easier to read

Daz it. Bye.

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