Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I am so Rachel from FRIENDS in Season 5. Alisa gave me a bunch of my boxsets back last weekend so I'm just reacquainting myself with them =) Such a good TV show.

Tonight I had cocktails with the 2005 Mac Grads. We were supposed to go to meet our managers but I see my manager and team 3 times a week already so it was a bit funny when my manager and I were there, pretending we didn't know each other. By the end of the couple hours, it was just a room full of Graduates. The managers all either went home or back to work.

It was pretty cool. The grads are pretty nice... well the ones that I met anyway. I had one what a small world encounter. Oh and two of the people there were COUSINS. How cool is that? Well it's cool to me allright?


It was Melissa's birthday today (sorry Mel, blew your cover =\). I semi-organised a lunch for her at Menzies - so proud of myself! But yeh... hope you had an awesome day mate!

So what did I think about today...

Minh and I started laying down tentative plans for our 2006 USA Trip. When I told Mel today she was like "That's so far away! I don't even know what I'm gonna be doing then!"

... and it's true.

I remember thinking at one point in my life "I have no idea what my life will be like in 3 months!" and that's a scary thought. I'm terrified of uncertainty but I'm too lazy to do anything about it coz...

I'm terrified of change, but it has to happen sometimes. When it does happen, all I want is for things to go back to the way things used to be.

I wonder what I'll be doing this time next year...
I wonder whether I'll be happy...
I wonder what my relationships are gonna be like...
I wonder whether Mr. Right will have popped into my life already...
I just wonder...

I have dreams. I don't believe in them. I hope in them.

Hope's huge. I know I've said that a million times before but it's true. Sometimes you hold onto the finest strand of hope. Imagine the day you open your hand and realise the strand's gone.

Ok... this post sounds sad. It's not. That's just my brain in words. Bye!

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